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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. I would be
  2. Get to a hospital you may have a bit of Hydrogen cyanide poisoning, that is what is released when plastics, and rubber burns. You get a shot and start to feel better. This is coming from a fireman who does hazmat exposures all the time. I would definitely get some sort of medical attention.
  3. Name: Raptor Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:19091457 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Disrespecting admins and Players, has been banned before for same offense, trolling players, mocking admins when we tell him to stop. Saying he doesn't give a shit this is a dead game. Was warned several times and given the benefit of the doubt, then continued to ignore admins and cause a hostile environment on the pub. Comments: Banned back in 2012 for the same reason only just came back into the server, he isn't being banned for hacking but being an overall disrespectful troll. McDowell, Wanner, Melnyck all witnessed this behaviour.
  4. i believe i see a crate of more floppies below-
  5. O'Hare gotta be mad
  6. Japan (45) USA (84) Canada (52) Germany (60)
  7. Japan (47) USA (81) Canada (53) Germany (60) Sweden is elminated
  8. Japan (47) USA (81) Canada (50) Sweden (5) Germany (58)
  9. The town that this show is based on is My beautiful town of Setauket!!! Its crazy watching that show and how accurately they laid out the old Green with the Church.
  10. Japan (42) USA (73) Canada (46) North Korea (1) Sweden (24) Germany (55)
  11. Japan (40) USA (69) Canada (45) North Korea (7) Sweden (25) Germany (55)
  12. Japan (40) USA (67) Canada (41) England (5) North Korea (12) Sweden (25) Germany (51)
  13. Japan (40) USA (62) Canada (37) England (9) North Korea (15) Sweden (25) Germany (53)
  14. Japan (40) USA (62) Canada (36) England (13) North Korea (15) Sweden (25) Germany (50)
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