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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. Funny You have a Stallion one of the best RB in the Game-----and you want to throw WHY
  2. favorite was when the sheepdog Humped that lady's Head
  3. You will remain banned!
  4. Name: Homosexual Stone, HomoSexual Connnor+BronsonT, Uber Shooter Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:124193742, STEAM_0:0:108121261, STEAM_0:1:108152937 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Mic Spammed then call everyone faggots, then called admins faggots, and was banned 1 week. Came back in with another account and started again, banned perm. Came Back with another account, and tried to play quietly, then started to talk. Dodged his sentence 3 times. Comments: Using multiple Accounts
  5. When i Heard Grunky Peep I spit my coffee across the room at work!!!
  6. They Put mustard on their cheeseburgers and Hamburgers at McDonalds everywhere but NY
  7. slow motioned a couple of the shots the arrow isnt even on the string- me thinks a lot of his shots in this video were masterful video edits... He is an amazing archer though---> the video was made to push facts and points about history...
  8. Yamagata you look like a very nice Jewish Boy.
  9. Blow Me Kirk
  10. Cats don't care if you leave!
  11. Cats HATE HUMANS
  12. Sophie On the Left and Pearl on the right-----Koreans love these dogs.......
  13. The one 3 from the left is about to pelvic thrust
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