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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. http://mcmagic.us/
  2. Here is the Plan- Lystad you switch lives with me- you can have my life- I am moving to Norway
  3. P. Ehrenfest- His Son was my neighbor when i was younger, he was actually good friends with Einstein. Weird story my old neighbor who has since passed away, had letters from Einstein on how much he loved spending time on Long Island, and how he hated all the work he had to do, he would rather be at the beach.. I used to take walks with Paul Ehrenfest Jr. when I was a kid, because he was a librarian and had great stories, he taught me how to crack pistachios, and sunflower seeds the right way. Yes there is a right way.
  4. Name: Maroni Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:101965732 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism/disrespecting admins/ Disrespecting Players/ Breaking Server rules Comments: When he was asked to stop by Sgt. E. Small he called him a racial slur and continued to use racial slurs and starting making nasty comments about admins and players.
  5. http://www.gog.com/ I you like Cheap Old Good Games here you all go.... X-wing and Tie Fighter are available
  6. Oh by the way Parker- I am a Fireman I can put out your fire
  7. Superman requires the SUN, and can be killed by Kryptonite, if Batman outsmarts him, which isnt too hard- Superman gets shut off from the SUN and then slammed with Kryptonite- BOOM DEAD
  8. whose server?Ape Grape Raped
  9. Grant is no longer around
  10. finally admits
  11. Monster Tastes like shit so it makes sense--- Also i would worry less about the SATAN, and more about the Kidney Stones, Pulmonary issues, and anal seepage this shit causes in prolonged use.
  12. We had too many issues, too many times, you will not be unbanned! And especially after your rude attempt at PMing me on how great you are and how you are an Asset to our server, You are most certainly unfit, unwelcome, and not invited to return. Good Day.
  13. Hey Guys this site I am sharing with you is pretty old, but it is one i just happened to come back across and wanted you all to experience it. Orisinal Games
  14. Name: Lumpo Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:10441716 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Excessive Racism, teamkilling, and numerous infractions on the server before as well.
  15. I just got one of these, it was in a group of them stuff in storage barrels filled with Armor Grease---- I have to clean up all the wood, and re-stain it, but apparently these are originals with all the parts, $75 was the price for these. I am trying to dry the gun out i had to completely take it apart and put it back together, Luckily I knew how, or I would have paid another $100 to have someone do it for me..... This is how it looked, i didnt take a picture of mine, this is similar to what I had to clean.
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