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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. Thanks everyone and got stories will tell soon
  2. In front of a Baptist Church on Long Island "In the end, Jesus said, I will be coming quickly!"
  3. CLash of Farmville- never a big fan of app games- seem like they always are a scam
  4. HAHHAHAHAHHA GRAMMY's Ganked the video
  5. OK People, It is kinda back the I loled Hard Late Night Thread
  6. NightClub Fails
  7. I totally agree with you Lehman.... It's about Duty Sacrifice and Honor not a paycheck or a benefit!
  8. Happy Birthday- Here is a gift
  9. That what we call the Buff games, I don't think I would make the cut, but my company has tons of first place trophy's for it! Don't know when they start doing it usually a summertime event!
  10. yeah wtf was she doing a reverse head bang to piano--- I think Beethoven used to do this, but that was because he was fucking Deaf,
  11. This was me Fighting that crazy truck fire- I was on the Nozzle in the pictures. Truck Fire
  12. Maybe if everyone came on late at night like they used to they would get the pleasure of knowing some fun people! Guys trust me it's worth hanging with us
  13. Awesome and I would do this if i had the right equipment on a firetruck Awesome and I would do this if i had the right equipment on a firetruck
  14. I am giving him 1 month ban as we have only given him small spans, maybe then he will get the message.
  15. Not paid full volunteer firefighter
  16. If I looked like that Wells, if only sorry If i killed the Mysticism of it all--- I am more rough around the edges and not as chiseled. However My Instructor is Mr. February in the FDNY Calendar. It was pretty damn hot, My SCBA air cannister was starting the crackle and melt, and houses 30 ft from the fire were catching up from the radiant heat.
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