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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. The ban was for one day only, it will be lifted in that time. Please be more careful in the servers.
  2. discalimer is for the respected females in the unit--- Its not my view, it is just a view
  3. (I do not share the views of this video) but it is funny
  4. SAME but i have already done this once
  5. We need to remake of this poll for the Who posts the best funny most random posts
  6. I was in the bathroom shitting a brick and huh pissed the test
  7. Best Costume I ever did was The Sandman- which was created by using the description from the song "Enter The Sand Man" Which i created a very gorey and awesome Latex mask from scratch and some cool threads from robes and stuff. I do really cool masks from Latex, wish I had some photos from the ones I have done. Liquid latex is easy to find online. I am taking my son out- He is doing the Fireman thing, being I just became one myself. My candy of choice will always be sourpatch kids. I hand out assortment, but not granny's assortment. Sourpatch kids, full size bars, and the best of the best.
  8. So I recently had to Update Itunes, as many of us all did. And had this happen: Opened Itunes, went to Itunes Store "Itunes Store has Stopped Working" and the program shut down. Now I checked everything, and did everything including a complete uninstall and re-install of all components. Then I happened Upon a Fix, through a friend. This issue happened to him as well when he updated his graphics Driver for BF4. Here is the fix. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support and Copy this file QTMovieWin.dll Past this into C:\Program Files (x86)\ Itunes Do not cut and paste copy and Paste. This will stop the itunes from crashing again.
  9. The 1st SAS is no longer invited to play on our servers, and are now a Ban On Sight Unit. That being said the unban is denied. Nothing Further on this topic.
  10. Sorry about this guy, Good glad you are happy man
  11. Seeing His Kid- IRL
  12. bOY AND HIS BLOB- the michael Jackson game Zelda Top Gun- All I remember is trying to land on a aircraft carrier and missing- my uncle who was a pilot said it was very accurate.
  13. Local Fire Dept. Setuaket Hook And Ladder Sta. 3
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