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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. Drooled on myself thanks I wish I could eat that right now instead of a salad
  2. Name: Infestation pvp Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:10334254 Duration of Ban: PERM Reasons for the Ban: Threatened to DDos the server after being told not to call people faggots
  3. Banned Permanently and Both accounts are indeed at the same IP- Both use Zapitan as an alias while it could be brother and sister, there is no way to know for sure.
  4. The Answer to the unban is No. You have been banned for the same thing time and time again, without stopping and learning about what you have done in the past. Racism is not tolerated in any form, furthermore your negative attitude, and mocking of the 1stMRB by making a tag 99MRB when disciplined the first time was disrespectful. Vinny Guns QC [99th MRB] Topic Closed
  5. Name: E12312 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:69933634 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Multi-Hack Demo Provided?: Was Blatantly obvious, speed hack zipping around the screen, and watching people through walls with sniper scope not near corners. Went to spec, he stopped moving, joined his team and watched in hilarity him watching the walls and scoping in on them then following them straight to an axis player, then toggle speed hack and fly to the opposite side of the map.
  6. Name: Chr1zz Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:19478444 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: AIMBOT- Obvious and very blatant Demo Provided?: not needed was whipping to each person not aimed and headshot every kill
  7. iF YOU POST THIS AGAIN STROOPS you will haves something to post in the morale office.,,,,,,,,......,,,,,........
  8. Martinez is in the City staying with his ssister at the moment---- so yes he is here too
  9. I should be able to make time I have my Official Swear in OCT.26 to the fire dept. after that day i should be able to get out.
  10. Running 5 miles, after an hour workout, after taking my kid to school, after being to tired to notice i Accidentally pissed on my own shoes. Buying new shoes so can do all the above, and washing the old pair.
  11. Quick fix for those who may be having problems- I trouble shot for 16 hours on it, Finally found the bug and reported it to Dice/EA When the game installed the beta some people may have had their Origin put into Compatibility Mode Go and Right Click on Origin Click Properties Click Compatibility Make sure it is running on windows 7 or Vista SP2 After that the game runs fine- though still choppy being it is a beta
  12. Hey everyone who is excited to play the BETA- Don't get too excited! They are only making it testable for those on High End x64 bit systems. Meaning you may have a X64 bit system, but unless you fall under the exact high performance specifications that they require to play the game, you will not be able to load the Beta, at least for now. No idea when they will roll out for other specs- So if you happen to have a computer that runs at their High Performance Specifications, good for you enjoy the Beta- If you have a laptop, or other then perfect settings at the peak Performance like myself- well sorry to say you are SOL
  13. Hit the wrong note the guitar explodes and you die! I want to adopt them all and do a Korean sound of music, then bring them to Barry's house so he can malalalallalLalalalalA
  14. We represent the lollipop collective feudal confederation
  15. Anyone seriously know what the fuck that was or where is was from holy fuck
  16. Don't do acid
  17. The Cheer commercial girl sounds drunk
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