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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. Upgraded to permanent, we have no tolerance for ignorance, abuse of our admins, and breaking server rules
  2. POsted that Shia Lebouef thing months ago----- are you trying to troll me melnyk- i will eat your face
  3. moving to a 2 week ban if he comes back after and continues he will be gone forever.
  4. Name: Pvt. D. Fox [1st MRB] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:18545578 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Failure to comply with server rules, porn sprays, calling admins and players faggots, creating a hostile environment on the pub, conduct unbecoming a First Marine Raider Comments: We hold our members to a higher standard, you know the rules you cam into the unit and passed our test, you deliberately disrespected the unit and its members, as well as posted disgusting things in our Public server. You also did not follow our weapon restrictions on top of all that, we do not tolerate racism, bigotry, or intolerance on our server.
  5. first time i am not on the list
  6. Honestly the Brazilian like skins are selling the best on the market just got a Dias De le Muertes pistol and it sold for me for over 40 bucks. I dont spend money unless the return is good, and Honestly the more Latin American Skins the higher the money.. Do you know how many people in Latin America Play CS:GO its sick.
  7. Name: ButtKicking Bandit Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:25809503 Duration of Ban: PERM Reasons for the Ban: Was trying to promote racist behavior as well as Antisemitism on the server, when told to stop, he started talking about joining the brotherhood, made comments about how Jews are the downfall of mankind and we need to purge them. Told him we do not tolerate this kind of behavior and tried to get louder then me and preach as if recruiting for a Neo-Nazi group.
  8. He continued again tonight, got pretty loud on the map Roma. Was asked a bunch of times by the other admins again to calm down. He was becoming disruptive and angry. I personally gave him a day Ban to cool off.
  9. thanks everyone
  10. Quarterman is half the man he used to be he is thusly called NickleDime

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  11. as a request from a fellow member, and out of respect for all those who this may offend, and upon review. Topic is Closed
  12. Name: Sunfield Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:17989210 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Offenses of the same Mass Tk issue. Mass Tked again.
  13. Name: [6th RB] Sgt Schwanz Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:109301948 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating another unit to cause Problems.. He is not a member of the 6thRB
  14. That is pretty sick, I would pay for one of those!
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