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Avila 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Avila 1st MRB

  1. Name: CroSS.Fire Steam I.D: Steam_0:0:7141266 Reasons for the Ban: In spawn he used his MG and kill everyone on his team. When ask why he did it, his response was "I kill axis!" The team he was on was axis. IF you look on the stats he will negative. Sgt R. Marchese and BAR member Harding was there and can confirm. Recommended duration of ban: 10080 mins Demo Provided?: N
  2. No way Logsdon, you going to be an 2ndLT aka butterbars in the marine. man i have a lot of respect. thank you.
  3. i assume that you are in the air force and trying to be an officer. Rock that sh#t!!! Never forget your enlist, if you do right you never how to worry that you enlist have your back!!! I was a marine but i navy officer i love to death when i was in IRAQ. He took care of me and you got to believe i would take care of him, i would of take a bullet for that guy. Just don't let anyone blow your head up. Anyone man deserve your respect if he is willing to give it back!!!
  4. Thanks not bad but you can use a lighter with the wax you are using. just the use the tip of the flame of the lighter. use a little water with the wax. you can make it look like glass it depend on how many layer.
  5. This is some bullshit. Steam is been f##king up with trying to update TF and messing up DOD:S latey. DOD:S is an different entity. I work 37.5 in three day in a hospital and i am take 19 unit. I can't even have social life, my only relief is playing DOD:S or COH. I am 27 i been in the marines since i two week i graduate high school. I was in for 6 years and i got my pharm tech. i want to be a PA and then MD. working on my RT. This is my only source of my aggregation. GRRRRR...
  6. Name: J. Avila Rank: Sgt. Type of issue: Software/ Steam Brief Description of Issue: After my computer update DOD:S. it wont start. It work this morning. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: (Researching, Pending Reply, Resolved, Unresolved) Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  7. I am having the same issue. Let me know if anyone finds a way to fix it. it was good this morning but after the update it did not work.
  8. i had to set my antialiasing mode to at least 2x and it when away.
  9. I heard turn off film grain but i had to set my antialiasing mode to at least 2x and it when away. it works on.
  10. Name: Joseluis Avila Rank: Sgt. Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: error code that keeps coming up and the wire is purple Material cable/cable_back has bad reference count 0 when being bound ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  11. Happy Belated birthday, Sir!!!
  12. Welcome back
  13. shenanigans!!!
  14. Korda... I will more than Friend you... hahha
  15. i want one too please... (p.s. i am willing to do anything for it... cough )
  16. Name: Dmsuprise Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:47849776 Reasons for the Ban: teamkilling look at the stat page he is (-) on kill. He kill 7 tks in 30mins Recommended duration of ban: 10080 Demo Provided?: N but on the stat page it say it all.
  17. Whos the poster boy for the marine corps?
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