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Avila 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Avila 1st MRB

  1. Are we going to Rocket league from DOD:S from FPS. I still have a little hope in the unit. Sorry if i offend anyone i been a SSGT on and off since i can remember. i still on the server today
  2. Name: Walter White Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:34763612 Duration of Ban: 1 week Reasons for the Ban: for Tk 3 ppl in spawn before leaving the server http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/sessions/12999 Demo Provided?: N Comments: his third ban but the other two are from 2013 http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanservers.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=Walter+White&Submit=
  3. Name: 中国人不杀中国人 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:21565817 Reasons for the Ban: 44 teamkills in one game sesson http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_histories/sessions/229693 Recommended duration of ban: i already ban the player for one day, up to you how long you want i warn him about killing our server Demo Provided?: n side note: i want to record this for possible issues down the road
  4. Gently kicking a ball to each side without touching each other sounds like a good time. mmmmm
  5. it regularly 34.99 thanks for the free game. i think you been telling us about the free games. Dude i got you a skin or something.
  6. YERRRR!!!! HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!
  7. Thank you, i got both for free.
  8. If you every feel alone and life is unfair. You are not alone and life is fair but it is tough. It is okay to feel down but as you recover its game time. You deserve to be loved and get everything you want but are you going to get it? It depends on you. If you need an ear or some tough love, I am here for you. I don't care if I know you for 32 years or 10 mins. you come humble and ill come humble. If you come crazy, ill try to be humble. I am not there yet but I am working on it. =) ps. Dont let anyone take you peace of mind. It easy to say but hard to do but totally worth it.
  9. Yeah!!!! i got my copy for free. Thanks you for the info
  10. i am playing "The Division" i got it for free till the 20th. its fun
  11. thank you, i claim mine. i about to try out assassins creed 3
  12. Avila 1st MRB


    Hello my name is jose avila, I have a dream or i had a dream that we could trade in csgo on a secure trade website. i saw the demand but i lack the knowledge. So i saw a article that opskin.com was making 15k a day on trades to provide a safe haven to trade without charge backs that paypal offer, they literally don't so anything but create a secure trade(i do know it aaaalot of coding and research . I was late on it. I want to build a team to do the unbelievable and make a website that not only does what opskin does but csgo lottery and csgolounge does on a one plateform. I understand the Algorithms would be crazy to do and cost would be unreal but when i was growing up i saw myspace and thought to myself that no one can beat it. it just took facebook to put the relationship status extra beside the work. Now where does myspace and facebook stand. look i understand the risk and probably we won't be successful but if WE ARE. i just want a solid name for the domain. Let the names flow, dont be too mean. Thank you for taking the time for reading a fool's statement and his dream.
  13. Name: J. Avila Rank: Retired Type of issue: Ventrilo Brief Description of Issue: I am retired, I am asking for permission on my Ventrilo account be able to join "the old devil dog bar (retiree lounge)", please. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician: J. Candy
  14. Sir, happy birthday. Even when i quit on myself, you don't. You are an amazing leader. I wish you a great birthday!!!
  15. Thank you candy!!!! brault, gougeon and J. hill, you guys are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me me feel like a million bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I remember when i came back from Iraq, PTSD personal from the VA ask me if i had weapons in my house. I told him i have a ton of weapons at home. He looked at me concerned and told me if i had gun locks for all of them. I told him no. He then looked was very concern before he could say anything else i told him i have tons of weapons here. Then looked very scary, i told i can use the pen he gave me to sign the sheet, i could even use the hand sanitizer that's on his desk. He then told me, You are a marine.... Now i am on ton of pills, lol.
  17. Thank you everyone, =)
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