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Logue 1st MRB

Second Lieutenant
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Everything posted by Logue 1st MRB

  1. my moms korean, shoes off at the door, some of the chinese families wouldn't even let the shoes into the apartment and kept them on racks in the stairwell I remember seeing movies of American kids wearing their shoes while on their bed. That's just gross.
  2. just pepperoni feels like such a waste of a good pizza base chuck some spinach, feta cheese and avocado on top dude cowabunga
  3. We used to make fun of the KGB and the Stasi and the Gestapo for keeping tabs on everyone. Interesting point that the current US scandal involves what is essentially the military, when all of the above were distinct separate entities with direct links to the permanent ruling party. On the other hand the terrorism shtick was used by all of the above -I reckon the real reason for the continued upsurge in homeland surveillance is all the spying going on in the US courtesy of Russia and China. I bet there's even more pressure than during the cold war to keep such things under wraps for the sake of international relations and, more importantly, the markets. (Also crazy anti-semetism is cray.)
  4. Happy birthday grizzly
  5. Everyone knows they're a bunch of conspiring cartel-forming crooks who we'd be better off without. But it's amazing how much shit people will shovel before they get sick of it. But this is a good example why a lot of people reckon Jones is nothing but a false-flag decoy for the man, sabotaging the debate by making any dissenting opinion look like that of an absolute mad man.
  6. I like it. downloading the rest
  7. I must be jaded as fuck. After 911, the 7/7 bombings, the madrid bombings, the russian school siege etc., this all seems par for the course and I expect there to be a now well-practiced intelligence machine ready to sort this mess out and point a finger. I find myself breathing a sigh of relief at how few fatalities there were. Regret for all the people who've lost limbs or worse. But when I hear, on the radio, people unrelated to the incident saying they cried themselves to sleep last night I feel like I'm on another planet. Of course I'd feel different if someone I knew was hurt but, given that I don't, I don't like the idea that I'm expected to have a strong emotional reaction to a situation that seems to demand a rational, inquisitive and rapid response. Anyway when dealing with terrorists, a stiff upper lip and relatively cold-heartless-bastard approach from the public denies them the impact and emotionally-charged attention they crave. I refuse to give these people the pleasure of seeing them get to me. I just wish the media felt the same way.
  8. God damned genital sucking coin operated laundromat NEVER HAS CHANGE and neither does ANY OTHER STORE ON THE STREET >
  9. F-105 Thunderchiefs Youtube won't let me embed this one but this a documentary on the Thunderchiefs operating out of Thailand in 1966. Check out what life was like for an American pilot on a 100-sortie tour in south east asia . All of the documentaries on the F-105 seem to use this film for much of their footage and sound clips. Field recording sound quality's shit -but the afterburners on take off and the whistling of their bombs are all authentic. Best footage I've seen of the pilot's eye view with SAMs being fired at them. What a massive, ugly, and awe inspiring century fighter. c_c Almost 50 percent of the production total lost over Vietneam.
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/app/300/discussi...34913183499299/ I've been having the same problems and it seems to be update related so if I suddenly disconnect/time out thats why, next update will probably fix it.
  11. Trailer Park Boys - Countdown to Liquor Day Trailer Park Boys - Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys Trailer Park Boys - Dear Santa Claus, Go Fuck Yourself 1955 US Navy Film: Submarine Construction (This explains why submariners seem to fill their boats with fragile pipes carrying high pressure water(I'm looking at you Das Boot)) The Graf Zeppelin's 1929 Round-the-World Flight
  12. NECK BEARDS! Also: Careful dude, you coulda choked on that shit c__c
  13. I slid the roof racks on my 98 Explorer back and made a racing wing out of them. I also don't clean the front grill so it looks all scorched and Da Business. I took off the air freshner Foot because that shit's for pussies. Upgraded the sound system with CCR. Broken flip flop in the cargo bay to shovel masculine amounts of snow off the roof. Comes standard with smuggling compartments in the back (it does the Cardiff run in less than 12 parsecs.) Different tyres on each wheel for +1 screaming drifts when turning a corner at a stop light. Total cost of mods: £0
  14. I made a time machine.. OUT OF YOUTUBE VIDEOS. This is all full program stuff, I'll add stuff to this post as I find it and as long as it gets 2 thumbs up from me. An evening with Nat King Cole C'etait un Rendezvous Claude Lelouch - C'était Un Rendez-vous from Gianmaria Modugno on Vimeo. (The original art film -filmmaker arrested and film banned for obvious reasons.) Oh COCK. This one was really hard to find, if anyone sees it on the interwebs, please post alternative address. :3 Micro Men: (Docu-drama film about the brief period when the UK was the world leader in computer literacy: how Acorn Computers blagged their way into existence (and out of it) and how Clive Sinclair went from undisputed electronics genius to infamy as the creator of the world's worst electric vehicle.) -------------------------------------------------- Full Series: Just the first episodes, the rest of the series is on youtube if you like it. Adam Curtis' "Pandora's Box" Documentary Ep1: (If you've ever been curious how the Soviet economy actually functioned -rest of the series deals with how other (western) governments have tried to apply science to politics and the economy.) Adam Curtis' 'Power of Nightmares' Ep 1 of 3: (The death of ideology and the rise of the politics of fear.) Adam Curtis' 'The Century of the Self' All four episodes in one video: (How the application of Freudian psychology to business and politics has fundamentally changed the way we see ourselves and each other.) Civilisation: Ep1: (Epic old school BBC documentary on western art.) The Ascent of Man: Ep 1: (Epic old school BBC documentary on the history of science.) The Computer Programme: Ep 1: (80s BBC show that birthed the mighty BBC Micro Computer) The Great War: Ep 1 of 26: (1960s comprehensive documentary on WW1) Vietnam in HD: Ep 1: (Compiled from period footage. Shocking uncensored stuff, Hueys getting their rotors shredded off in mid air etc. Lots of footage of 60s America too.) Battlefield Vietnam: Ep 1 (Dien Bien Phu) (Documentary that provides a strategic/tactical overview of the war's major battles rather than the GI's point of view.) GIANT FUCKING ROBO: Episode 1: (The mini-series remake of the classic manga. It may look kooky and old fashioned but the animation's absolutely fantastic.) LOOK AROUND YOU: (I fucking DARE you to watch this and not learn something new about Calcium or the dangers of Helvetica.)
  15. Happy b- Happy Day. HAPPY DAYS G!
  16. I came on to ban this guy because he came back on the server and forgot that the space in his name would mess it up so 'sm_ban cool man 10080 Tking.' came out as a permanent ban with the reason as '10080'. My bad -could someone revert it to a 1 week ban?
  17. Happy birthday Gearhart!
  18. Holland Cast Hall Legend
  19. I think this should remain a state and not federal issue. The strength of US democracy is the potential for diversity within unity. From what I've read it sounds like some states have no problems with guns while others are suffering from violent crime. The latter are the ones that need to sort something out.
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14730704 What a fruity city :3
  21. I liked it! Also: http://i33.tinypic.com/2h30let.gif
  22. Happy birthday Avila
  23. Thanks guys!
  24. Cheers Marchese If you were here we'd probably have eaten more of the chicken for a start lol
  25. I got Dota2 from my brother and spent it alone (only here for uni). :3 Still managed to roast a chicken with all the trappings. BACHELOR POWER
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