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Logue 1st MRB

Second Lieutenant
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Everything posted by Logue 1st MRB

  1. Just while waiting for the helpers to set up though, this isn't what we practice XD
  2. Battleship Formation Anti-Aircraft Formation Disciplinary Procedures
  3. Legendarily happy birthday to you, sir
  4. I agree with the video but its the first time I've come across the 'Young Turks'. Last time I came across a group with that name it was Turkey's young nationalist/fascist officers around WW1 times, seems odd to me.
  5. So does anyone else find it iffy that Palestine joining the UN as a non-member observer state is described by the Israeli foreign ministry as "crossing a red line that will require the harshest Israeli response". (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20552391) Greenlighting 3000 new settlement homes in east Jerusalem in response doesn't seem very constructive.
  6. Step 1: China rapidly industrializes and incorporate capitalism to become the manufacturing base of the world and a giant sponge for the world's resources. Step 2: Everyone one else runs out of money. Step 3: Borrow vast sums of money from China to buy Chinese products. (they buy up your debt) Step 4: Force them to lend more and more in order to sustain their double digit economy growth. Step 5: The global economy falls down the rabbit hole. Result: Both sides end up completely dependent on the other? World peace? Or maybe I'm being too much of an optimist. Not trying to suggest conspiracy, just pondering what's going to happen in the long run. ---------- On a different note: Colorado and Washington could make a TON off cannabis tax.
  7. STATE POWER! Watch europe start to listen to their scientific advisors and legalize now
  8. The guy used his position to push through the idea of giving the poor healthcare again (taken away by Reagan). Whatever the actual effectiveness of this health bill, America is now starting to shake the notorious reputation of having people living with medieval levels of disease and disability (and the reputation of not giving a damn about such folks.) To be frank, this reputation has been a massive embarrassment for pretty much the rest of us in the western world. Standards of living for many can now approach the minimums found in places like rural Cuba or China. He also hasn't started any more wars and is wrapping up the current ones. So, as a foreigner, yeah, I agree with Johnson that most people internationally want to see Obama in again, including me. I feel better knowing that many human beings will suffer less and that democratic governments can still prioritise the plight of the disadvantaged. I also despise slash-and-burn 'consultancy' businessmen who made a living out of dismantling companies and putting people out of work. So its interesting to me when I hear people saying they're going to vote for Romney, not because of what he stands for or what he's done in life, but because they don't want Obama. I'm guessing this is why this tax plan was so delayed, they probably knew from the start that what he stood for wasn't what was going to win this for Romney. Maj. O'Gara mentioned that he wished the US had coalition governments. I suppose that would make a 3rd party viable and not seem like a wasted vote. To do that you need to de-emphasise the presidency and make the house/senate the focus of attention. ---------- All this said, Bush Jr. proved once and for all that the president is pretty much a figurehead in today's day and age. It was so amazingly blatant that he didn't know what was going on half the time that even HE joked about it. And maybe he should be in a way: the United States' system appeals to me because theoretically you guys can have a massively diverse set of state-specific laws and cultures with open borders and freedom of travel. Ending mildly drunk rant now. :3 P.s. Also what Perrone said
  9. the most batshit crazy way ever devised to catch a flight
  10. Skip forwards to 32 minutes in for 'WHEEEEeeeeeeee-! '. -Or 24 minutes if you want to see some vulcans go VRRRRRR and a football field sized patch of jungle go *pfft*
  11. Happy birthday! :')
  12. Name: BaDaZZg0t ` Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:22405765 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Hacking with Rambo-MG Demo Provided?: Y Comments: badzad.zip
  13. I say yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr
  14. Happy birthday Imp
  15. The prophets foretold of one who would have a chance of turning the tide for the allies on Avalanche.
  16. Europeans in general have little sympathy for the Italians voting in that clown over and over. Now it seems like we're going to have to choose between saving Spain or Italy. Sorry Greece.
  17. Alcohol brings out the inner asshole. Marijuana glues said asshole to the couch. Combo that shit.
  18. Prolly don't need it but think I have a demo of the guy spammer.zip
  19. My apologies, I left that post half finished using the in-game browser while trying to snag his ID ^^; Forgot to delete it again once the problem was sorted faster by someone else
  20. Name: asdggsd Steam I.D: I forgot to check before I banned him x_x; Sorry Reasons for the Ban: Kept on TWing in spawn Recommended duration of ban: 10080 (Thats what I set it to) Demo Provided?: Y asd.zip
  21. Name: [-(pH)-]AlphaMale Steam I.D:# 5229 "[-(pH)-]AlphaMale" STEAM_0:0:2708060 01:34 82 0 active Reasons for the Ban: TKed me deliberately, kicked him, came back and started killing in the spawn. Banned him for 10080 to get him off the server Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  22. Name: Scott Pillgrim Steam I.D:# 2940 "Scott Pillgrim" STEAM_0:1:33122962 08:00 91 0 active # Reasons for the Ban: TKed me and then disconnected. Recommended duration of ban: 1 month Demo Provided?: Y/N N
  23. Name: Blaster Steam I.D: # 1179 "Blaster" STEAM_0:1:7990299 04:58 159 0 active # Reasons for the Ban: TKing in spawn Recommended duration of ban: 1 week (I messed up and set it for 100 minutes can it be extended?) Demo Provided?: Y/N No, Gio (app) as witness`
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