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Logue 1st MRB

Second Lieutenant
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Everything posted by Logue 1st MRB

  1. Back in the early 1900s, the U.S Army tested a broomhandle against a colt 1900 and the former failed miserably in the rust tests. Needed soaking in oil and disassembly with a mallet afterwards while the colt just needed a sharp whack on the edge of a table to get it going. So to all you german rockets: Oil your broomhandle for best results.
  3. Yep, Pearl Harbor was a coordinated simultaneous attack across the pacific. In a lot of books the various attacks and invasions seem spread out over the course of the day but when you take time zones into account shit kicked off everywhere all at once. -And that's when you call in the Raiders!
  4. He was found slumped over dead in his staff car but had been wounded by what's recorded as a strafing run. So the jury's out on whether he'd taken a pill or succumbed to injuries because he was all wound up in the Hitler bomb plot by that point but they didn't want the public to know such a war hero was involved. That's harsh man, especially considering how much of show MacArthur made of returning to rescue the people he'd left behind in the retreat. If it wasn't for people like your grandpa, the Philippines might not have achieved proper independence after the war.
  5. As an addendum, stuff from books or documentaries, interviews is all good too. Sagittarius Rising - Autobiography of a WW1 pilot. Reveals strange things you wouldn't think of like how, when spotting for artillery, one of his squadron got hit in mid air by one of their own shells and it ripped their plane in half. Apparently, at the right altitude, you could see the howitzer shells reaching to top of their firing arc when they'd seem to be moving at surreal slow speed. Also has great imagery, writing about things like flying through vast cathedrals made of cloud. Kamikazes - Loads of crazy true stories in this little historical paperback I read way back in the day. Like of one of the only kamikaze pilots to survive a successful attack -tried to ram a superfortress, closed his eyes and ended up chopping off its elevator with his wing (anyone seen Memphis Belle?) There's also a story about an american ace who, way late in the war, found an obsolete Japanese biplane racing up to meet him from an island. After an intense dogfight and running low on fuel, the ace says he barely got away with his life, reckoning it was one of Japan's early-war aces who'd been relegated to training duties for fear of losing the last of their experienced pilots. Then there's Admiral Onishii who implemented the mass kamikaze attack as official strategy: was refused permission to lead an attack himself at war's end and committed ritual suicide -but refused aid from his junior officers (I'm guessing a mercy kill since the samurai used to have a friend chop your head off after you sliced your gut open) and took six hours to die in his office. Manfred von Richthofen started the war as a cavalry officer, got shifted to a desk job when it turned into trench warfare, got bored and frustrated and joined the flying service as an observer (because observers were officers and piloting was seen as grunt work early in war.) Thing is, you could be OKed to fly a plane if you only had one leg back then as long as you were willing and able. Richthofen's first pilot was a man with a terminal disease and consequently was practically suicidal in his low level attacking runs, screaming profanities at the troops below. It contrasts with Richthofen's own surgical strike tactics but helps explain why he decided to start piloting a plane himself.
  6. Got any hair raising or interesting war stories? Doesn't matter if they're far fetched. My grandfather had a few passed down through my dad. E.g. He maintained until death that it wasn't a spitfire that killed Rommel but rather indirect plunging fire from a vickers heavy machine gun his mates were manning (you could use them like mini artillery). Dad also met an old merchant seaman in Scotland who'd been sunk on a convoy run, swallowed engine oil that messed up his guts and was put on a government sponsored pension of Guiness for life because it was the only thing nutritious enough he could digest.
  7. Happy birthday dudes!
  8. 08th MS team was boss
  9. Yeah I used to stay up to watch the subbed japanese version as a kid, midnights on friday. There was blood, gore, nudity, swearing and lots and lots of screaming, it was awesome. Even had a picture card collection because back then the internet was balls.
  10. Found one of Elf's car
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