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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Outstanding job on the news letter, here's to another 10 years!
  2. Great read, keep up the good work raiders!
  3. Great read as always. Keep it up guys.
  4. Watch "WORST FOOTBALL (Soccer) DIVERS and CHEATERS" on YouTube https://youtu.be/LC-H2wXK4T4
  5. Soccer isn't a man's sport.
  6. Wow you're being serious. Thanks for the laugh Cannon. This account with also be banned as well as any others you make. There will never be a place for you in any of our servers after the stunts you pulled.
  7. Thank you for posting, ban request is under review.
  8. Looking good Holquist. Keep up the good work! Practice makes perfect.
  9. I would have to check, maybe b2. There are a ton of different versions on game banana. Next time I am on there, I'll keep an eye out for different versions or if you have the links handy you can post them here.
  10. I sun just seemed bright as fuck in western Canada. It was lame.
  11. Your taste in movies is like your skill against me in a realism....terrible
  12. All these are on the pvt server but unfortunately rails doesn't allow either team to leave spawn during set up. As for the pub, I'll upload some of them during the next FNFN which will be near the beginning of sept.
  13. Yeah I don't see that either. I think he might be done with this season.
  14. Alright, lets bring this thread back from the dead like Jon Snow. Who here thinks Jamie is still alive?
  15. Does excessive fapping count as good cardio?
  16. Get a haircut you hippie.
  17. Looking forward to it!
  18. Unban request denied. After specing you for two maps, suspected walling as well as some blatant tks. Find a different server to play on. *Topic Closed*
  19. Outstanding job Raiders! Keep up the good work!
  20. Ive gone ahead and unbanned you, but if you continue to misbehave the ban will be reinstated. Happy Fragging.
  21. Thank you for posting on our forums. At this time we are not looking at booking any matches.
  22. Damn Americans and their love for fireworks and other red neck things. Glad to hear from you.
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