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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Upgraded to a month. 4th time being banned.
  2. Name:STAT1ST1KZ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:168592222 Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?:No, knew exactly where axis were going to be on strand when they appeared on the ridge, was aiming at Moffat body shot and went straight to his head. Speced by several members. Using some sort of Aimbot.
  3. Permanently banned.
  4. Lt.Col Yamagata is in the process of fixing this. Thanks for posting.
  5. Permanently banned
  6. Looking forward to it. Thanks for posting!
  7. Hello Hasbian, I know it can become frustrating when you see some players go positive like that in the public server. Some of these players have been speced on a number of occasions but nothing was concrete to issue a ban. Unfortunately these rules will not change, we have them in place to give players the benefit of the doubt that its skill and not hacks. If we issue a ban on judgement alone, 9 times out of 10 it will bite us in the ass and make us look bad. We've made a post in our Sergeants quarters for our admins to have a lookout for a few of these members. Please feel free to add some of our members SSgt and up or members with MP tags to have a look when you feel there is something suspicious. Like you said, you speced someone last night, that would be perfect time to take a video. Be sure to take multiple short videos (ie every time they die, stop the video and start recording again with a different number in the title) to help us determine if they are hacking or not. I hope this was helpful, if you have anymore questions please post below. 1stLt. K. Quarterman
  8. Banned for 3 days
  9. Name:xType ­¹--¹ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:38484696 Duration of Ban:Perm Reasons for the Ban:5th time being banned Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  10. Well it says USA election. Having DoD2 in here is just silly.
  11. Banned for 2 days.
  12. Unfortunately I cannot ban him on stats alone. Please provide solid evidence in demos. Everytime he dies, stop the demo and start a new one to avoid it from crashing.
  13. Banned for 3 days.
  14. Thank you for taking the time to post on our forums. First off, SgtMaj Booher does a great job at policing the server and does not need his eyes checked. Secondly, source bans does not allow ban records to be erased. Given that it was an hour ban, it was a minor warning, but you claim it's not you. If it wasn't you then like you said no harm no foul. If it helps put your mind at ease, this post will help clear you of this offense. If you have any other questions you can reply below or add me on steam.
  15. Permanently banned.
  16. 4th offense. Banned for a month.
  17. Third offense, banned for a month.
  18. 4th time being banned for the same thing, increased to perm.
  19. Name:Cpt. ✯ Uncle Francesco ✯ Steam I.D. STEAM_0:0:72954506 Reasons for the ban : Racism Duration of ban: Perm
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