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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Pure Epicness!
  2. Only if you Re-Enlist ;D
  3. Im excited to play Diablo and Left 4 dead, i mean left to die =D. Looks like the arcade will be fun.
  4. Im all the way at the back How long till the video is done =D
  5. Yeerr hes doing it right!
  6. Seems Legit Yerr!
  7. Name:AVIADOR ( BRASIL ) Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:27127606 Reasons for the Ban:Walked up to a team mate and team killed him on purpose Recommended duration of ban:Maybe a week? or a day up to you Demo Provided?: No, but Cast, Berg, Branem well all there Additional Comments?: I accidentally called him out on it instead of warning him. When I called him out on it he left the server. Earlier when I left spawn he was walking towards our spawn with the rocket equipped. Looked like he wanted to kill someone.
  8. 4am EST and the server is 25/32 yerr! We will be in 1st place for a while!
  9. Epic Pictures. What raining nades??
  10. You would =P
  11. Congrats guys! Wish I was there tonight =D. proud of being in the best damn unit out there!
  12. O dear god to just saved me a lot of hassel for the cartographers office =D.
  13. Does anyone know of a way to get PDF files to save on my computer as a normal file so I can upload them onto the forums?
  14. North American BCT Monday, May 28th, 2012 @ 9pm EST
  15. Lol sorry Barry I was kidding. Trying to be a pain towards cast >=]
  16. Cast it doesn't =[
  17. Epic fail on my part for just now reading people's posts in here. Fucking funny as hell!
  18. Diablo 3 = epic. My two cents.
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