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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. What about me?
  2. Brown did you get it?
  3. Wow cant even find the games folder on my computer sad eh? Im gonna be out of town for a week so ill just hit up holland on vent and get him to help me if you want to take this down =P
  4. Dude that is a sick collection! What gun is in picture 70? And I see you got a real pistol. Maybe get some practice with that before you face me again =P haha
  5. Like a boss
  6. Hahahahaha I was waiting for that to happen. Almost looks fake though.
  7. Yeah I agree. I'd rather build a map is sdk source and be able to do something with it =P
  8. We just got to rank 5 on ther server....might drop with everyone going to go play diablo xD
  9. It's all about the skills and weapons with the stat bonus on them. I think blizzard was there there is over a million different ways you could play the characters. Seems like a lot. Anyways they had a wizard who was all melee and it kicked ass. Idk I've always been a fan and I think it's gonna kick ass!
  10. Ill buy and download it tonight! =D. My brother an I are gonna beat it together first then ill start playing with others haha. Stoked!
  11. Name:K. Quarterman Rank:Sgt Type of issue:Company of Heroes Icon Brief Description of Issue: Hey, umm the icon i guess decided to change on my desktop from the CoH to a picture of the world. Nothing big, just annoys me. Any suggestions? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Pending Reply Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  12. I need to get an android!
  13. So thats two people with an iphone. Anyone with an android? =P haha
  14. What type of phone?
  15. So I have the steam app on my iPhone and for the most part it works pretty decent. I know my phone is a piece of shit, and if I'm not at work I have shitty service. I was just wondering if people sometimes get the problem of someone talking to you when you are not directly in the app and the message doesn't appear when you check? I don't know if it's an iPhone thing, or maybe android to or if my phone is just a piece. FYI if anyone try's to message me on steam and I don't reply. That's why. Just spam it till I reply =P haha.
  16. Once we get the hang of it, we should start a tournament. Yerr. My idea I'll knife anyone who steals it.
  17. Maybe I was implying that ;D
  18. First you gotta take on mellot. Then I will know you have some skill =P
  19. I'll take you on to Harding.
  20. Its 10$ you cheap slut ;D. Or maybe you could put that 10$ to a real head set. =D
  21. Just got the CoH package on steam and holy fuck its a pretty kick ass game!
  22. Cuz we were all allies haha
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