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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Proof that he might be gay...Sorry Grant
  2. Hahaha yeah that's what I was thinking.
  3. I've had this chest cold for about a month now, and it's really starting to get annoying. Mostly a dry cough, sometimes phlegm. Any ideas on beating this? I take cough syrup every day or two. Doesn't seem to do much but calm it for an hour or so. Can doctors even give me anything for this?
  4. And when i press this button haha, where will they be saved to?
  5. Okay, how do people take screenshots, like Yama's help guide of doing it?
  6. hahaha another epic video =D
  7. Yeah there was suppose to be a poll with this post. But I am in the process of getting that worked out. Personally I hate both fighters, but I hate jones more. I lost all respect for jones when he went on all fours in the middle of his fight with rampage. But yeah a jones and gps fight would be amazing!
  8. Happy birthday you dirty slut =D
  9. Name:ForwarD152 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:11340204 Reasons for the Ban: Tried taking pot shots at me and two others, then decided to kill a team mate with the sniper rifle. Just before he killed his team mate I typed "Forward don't fucking team wound" Then he left as soon as he killed him. Recommended duration of ban:Week? Demo Provided?:No, But SSgt Pandalsson was there
  10. Ive been doing the exact steps Yama said to do
  11. Just did that and still nothing haha
  12. Who's it gonna be?
  13. Exactly what Yama posted in the sports forums, And all it says is you must enter stuff to make a post or however its worded.
  14. Name: Keith Quarterman Rank: Cpl Type of issue: It seems I can't make polls in forums. Brief Description of Issue: Just wont let me, i know im doing it right. Maybe I need acess or something. Please check into it, thanks! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Pfc. Holland Supporting Technician:
  15. Okay I'm sorry I should have added this when I made the post. The reason this beta is open to everyone with a blizzard account is because they want to do a stress test on the servers. Fix any bug and update the shit out of it so it's ready. I only noticed a few lag spikes last night when I played it with my brother.
  16. Maybe your just a wank cast. Ever think about that? Hmmmm =]
  17. Its so hard trying to find hate on bronie pictures. Also sucks I can't post them from my phone or else I'd spam the shit out of this=P
  18. I know this isn't the forum topic, but after reading zahls post I was wondering how the 1st was created. Did someone use to be in the 6th and left them to start the 1st? I also heard BAR use to be with the 6th? Is there already a forum with all this information, or could one be created? Also interesting idea on the shirts. =D
  19. Pretty much all but that barb are weak in the beginning. Demond hunter gets pretty sick with rapid fire.
  20. If only this would happen in real life =P. fuck that joke haha.
  21. I played as the witch doctor last night. Loved it haha. Super stoaked for this game=D
  22. This weekend only Blizzard is giving anyone with a Blizzard account a free beta trial to Diablo 3. Its a lot of fun and you all should check it out if you have an account. =D Release date May 15!
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