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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Haahahaha. Cool idea, but probably very damaging to the eyes.
  2. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cemeh8mw46hagqn Now again, its hard to get a good demo. He can tell when someone is specing him so he dumbs it down. During the beginning of the demo you can see how glitchy/jumpy he is when shooting someone. This is pretty much as good as the demos will get.
  3. Cast thats what makes in funny though
  4. Both videos are fucking epic =D
  5. Name: Karma Kid Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:49687026 Reasons for the Ban: Suspected aim bot Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks or Perm Demo Provided?: Yes, got 2. Still hard to tell. Extra Comments: About a month ago he went by the name ChrisMedas. Maines and I tried to get a demo. Again wasnt much on there. Every time we go to spec him, he will wait in spawn for a few seconds and turn them off. What made me demo him was he got a hs on Long Dong, then whipped 180 degrees and hs me. First Demo only about a min is useful. Second demo the last bit is useful. During the second demo, near the end you can see his aimer trying to lock onto different people. Your call. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?32wlg1jchicfud3 http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?a2yzd01zercpd4k
  6. ^ Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle....Sorry pretty bored haha.
  7. Wow, I bought Mass effect two and loaded it up, and now Mass effect 1 works. Sorry everyone else, but Kirk won. Thank you guys for all the other ideas. Problem fixed.
  8. Where the hell did you even find that video o.O haha. Epic win. I was like fuck yeah new news letter! nope some guy singing xD
  9. Name:K Quarterman Rank:Cpl Type of issue:Mass Effect wont load up Brief Description of Issue:So when i first tired loading it up, I had to download the Microsoft X or what ever its called. Now when I go to load it up I get the steam message saying: Preparing to launch Mass Effect. It shows up for a second then goes away and nothing happens. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: (Researching, Pending Reply, Resolved, Unresolved) Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  10. Good job maines! Keep up the good work.
  11. No stop! That's not how you use that. Haha
  12. Nope, cuz I don't know how. Haha
  13. How did you get it working on your computer?
  14. Name:K Quarterman Rank:Cpl Type of issue:Mass Effect wont load up Brief Description of Issue:So when i first tired loading it up, I had to download the Microsoft X or what ever its called. Now when I go to load it up I get the steam message saying: Preparing to launch Mass Effect. It shows up for a second then goes away and nothing happens. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Al-Jefri Supporting Technician: N. Holland
  15. Aha k. Looks like it will be a real shit show with four people =D
  16. Would be awesome to play with any of you guys, and yes you can download it. I just don't know if you need a program for the download to actually work. Someone help? =D http://stabyourself.net/mari0/#download
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Have a great time. Enjoy yourself!
  19. Happy Anniversary guys!! Wish I could be there to help celebrate, but shit came up and had to leave town for my days off.
  20. O I will be there=D, for it all.
  21. Yeeeer to 3 years guys! Btw what's Friday night fight night haha?
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