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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Beta level backed! AHHHHH YEAH
  2. Got an email saying its been cancelled.
  3. I wasn't present during it but I'll keep that in mind.
  4. Lag is still happening to some people, and we are having a lot of server crashes lately.
  5. Hey ZORRO, Thank you for taking the time to fill out a unban request. We have zero tolerance for team killers on our server, and this goes in hand with revenge team killing. If someone is team killing or team wounding you, try getting the attention of the Admin. In team chat type "@ - followed by your request" to get the attention of the admin easier. We can not have pubbers revenge team killing on the server or else all chaos will break out. As for your week ban, I have reduced it down to 2 days. You are a regular on our server, so you should know that we have zero tolerance for this type of behavior. Consider this a warning. *Happy Fragging* Topic Closed
  6. Banned for 5 days. Not a Perm offense.
  7. Since you already banned him for a day, this is more of a Report rather than a Request.
  8. Vent will automatically ban you if you keep on logging in and out. Unbanned and changed your password. Check your personal message on steam.
  9. Buy a prepaid credit card from a store. Do they have those where you live?
  10. Will riflegrenades actually explode when shot from the rifle? Will vote on greelight.
  11. Kick started! Questions: Will there for sure be dedicated servers? Will there be a realism mod similar to what we run in DoD:S Will it just be Americans vs German or will we see some British and Japanese? Where is the trench gun! Thanks!
  12. Happy birthday, hope you have a good one!
  13. While playing Hide N Seek on Dunkirk WO. L. Barry "Hey, who ever is that tree is one ballsy mother fu" Tree steps on a landmine and dies "Ummm never mind"
  14. Downloaded on Spotify. Will listen tomorrow.
  15. Gobshites is probably my favorite of the three. I enjoy Irish punkish//ska music like the Real Mckenzies, Mad Caddies and so on. Good job on the drumming!
  16. Admit it that you love it!
  17. Happy Birthday You Sexy Beast!
  18. You have to re-do them by uncheck marking HTLM and copy paste them from the quartermaster office. Mine work ;D
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