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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Name:KasualScorpionWot Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:124269938 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Berating pubbers and myself when I can in to ban tkers. No intention to play the game. Demo Provided?: no Comments:
  2. Name:Lash 98 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:138713166 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Excessive tking for multiple maps. Demo Provided?: no Comments:
  3. I got bored watching true grit
  4. Almost everyone enjoys a good western movie. For me I was never a fan of Clint Eastwoon or John Wayne.... Yeah I said it grab your pitchforks. For me I've always enjoyed the movie Young Guns. It tells the story of Billy the kid and the Lincoln county war. What is your favorite western movie?
  5. Go enlist with us. That is all.
  6. Name: Smith Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:118636699 Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating unit members on other servers. Banned on all servers. Recommended duration of ban:Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N
  7. Name: Helm Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:74249977 Reasons for the Ban: Trolling unit members/non unit members. Just being his usual self, don't need that kind of person on our servers. Banned on all MRB servers. Recommended duration of ban:Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N
  8. Added hellshighway. Deleted Causeways Vanguard both don't allow 16 v 16
  9. Name:Britton Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:12431429 Reasons for the Ban:Poaching pubbers to join sofa kings Recommended duration of ban:Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N
  10. O yeah no I won't put that on the public server.
  11. Sorry for the delay Dillon. Life has been hectic and I've finally got some time to sit down with Johnson to go over adding maps. Maps I've added. Grainvillage Harrington Soilitude (Your version) Bayeux. Please let me know if you have any issues with this map. As for Donner Tank5, you need to provide a link so I'm not wasting my time searching game banana for it. As for the ones Dillon listed, they were in our raider approved section in the ordnance office so I didn't have to dig to much. If you provide a link I'll go over the map and see if its worthy to be on our server.
  12. Still no update on the ticket. I'm afraid that since it's a holiday we might not hear anything until tomorrow. Will keep you posted.
  13. IMPORTANT: Your server is currently offline! We have detected an outage with your server and are currently working to resolve this issue. During this time, server stops, restarts, and reinstalls are disabled. Server crashes are generally solved within 30 minutes and extended mass outages will be reported via the members area alert system. Got this messaged for our public server. I've put in a ticket but other than that, there is nothing that I can do. I will monitor it until it comes back up.
  14. Thank you for your input. The command staff is reviewing this. *Topic Closed*
  15. I will look into them. As for vanguard it was removed because it wans't allowing 16v16. I'll see if I can find a different version.
  16. Muppet did no wrong with policing the situation. Between verbal warning and switching you through his admin was enough warning. Unban request denied. We try to provide a smooth environment in our public server. Although team stacking is not a written rule on our motd it is a rule in our unit. We do take team stacking very serious. It can make pubber have a bad experience on our server and possibly have them never come back. Given that your clan has been known to dominate maps quite frequently I'm going to warn your clan that you can either play on opposite teams or find another server. *Topic Closed*
  17. Because it's not the same without a battle against Britton
  18. Getting your chest looked at?
  19. Great job. Keep it up raiders.
  20. I'm gonna sit in a corner, hug my knees and cry softly until I can afford an upgrade. Go a head and close the ticket.
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