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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Name: Alpha Queue Steam I.D. STEAM_0:1:44353102 Duration of Ban: Perm Reason for the Ban: 4th time being banned, has no intentions to follow our rules.
  2. Thanks for taking the time to fill our a ban request. Hes been banned for a week.
  3. Banned for 3 days.
  4. More than once you have been ignorant with you unban request and just plain disrespectful to our members. I highly suggest you use this upgraded month ban to change your attitude or you will find yourself permanently banned from our servers.
  5. Hahahaha, yeah he fucked up....
  6. Name:Kappa Sigma FRAT MOVE Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:40651200 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban:Team Killing Demo Provided?:N Comments:Recently banned by TSgt. Larson for team killing. Came in asking if FF was on, then started to kill ppl. Has no intentions other than being a troll.
  7. Words hurt yeah know
  8. Fantastic job on the layout Candy, and great read Raiders. Famous battles was great to learn about this edition.
  9. Given the amount of disrepect from you and you disrupting the environment of the public server by being a troll your unban request is denied.
  10. This took me 4 tries until I got it...my brain hurts so bad.
  11. Welcome to the forums. I will be adding you and getting in contact shortly! Regards, 1stLt. K. Quartrman
  12. Another fantastic job done by the PA staff. Keep up the hard work Raiders!
  13. GO away! =]
  14. Hahahaha wtf ^
  15. I'll be getting this for ps4. This will be my first battlefield game.
  16. Vancouver rioted after Boston won the Stanley Cup in game seven 4-0 in Vancouver. This will sometimes happen and its sad to see.
  17. Name:Michael de Santa Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:50739414 Reasons for the Ban:Has multiple bans, all for team killing. Increased to a perm. Recommended duration of ban:Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N
  18. Please be patient while the CS reviews your unban request.
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