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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. Anytime anywhere mellot. I've got the unofficial title. ;D bring it!
  2. Win I'm 21 and live in Alberta, Canada working out in the tar sands and a tool crib attendant. Easiest job in the world. Watch movies or sleep on the job all the time. I fucking hate my job. Just got accepted to Lethbridge College to do a 1st and 2nd year Auto motive coarse. I've already did my 1st year in BC but I never followed through with it because the money at the mine here was too good to walk away. I love to play guitar and bass. Mostly acoustic. I hope when I go back to school I can get more involved with the unit. Aka join a platoon. I do mumble when I talk, an I'm sorry for all of those that have to listen to me on the mic. I'm trying hard to correct it by myself. It's pathetic =P. I've got 5 piercing and 3 tattoos. This August will be my 1 year with my gf and we've already talked about marriage and being with each other(maybe sound like I'm to young) but fuck it. I want my kids to be 20 before I'm 50 haha. Not much else to say, I can't wait to become a grease monkey and start a few car projects I have in mind. Hope to see you in the pub so I can personally shoot you in the face.
  3. Could always enlist ;D
  4. Got to episode 8. Great way to pass an hour at work besides sleeping =P
  5. I could only last 4 mins.....GAY
  6. Name:Pvt. Suede [8th ID] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:19550148 Reasons for the Ban:Spamming Medic bind one after another, and negative when told to stop Recommended duration of ban:Idk you decide. Demo Provided?: No, Harding, Pfc. R. Marchese, Rec. T. Brown there all there. Parting Comments: Could you please let his unit know about his constant mic spamming and when asked to stop, just keep on doing it. I'm tired of seeing people from different units be disrespectful in our server. (Not to sure if he is in a realism unit) Thanks
  7. Never done it I've crapped my pants when i was around 8 years old. It happened twice ;D
  8. Well the lobster was fucking good. Stunk up my work place, and everyone that comes in to get tools say "wtf is that smell". Worth it. Sorry Parker no bike for you. Or Pokemon cards for the rest of you fuckers ;D
  9. I'll let you all know how it turns out=D
  10. Hahahaha wells that's fucking epic.
  11. You can have what ever helps you remember me by =D
  12. So my brother bought some lobster from a guy he works with who cooked the lobster in New Foundland, and then brought it here to Alberta. The guy said is should have been eaten two days ago. Well I'm gonna eat it today. I was just wondering if anyone knew if it would have maybe gone bad in those two days and make me super sick if I eat it. Please let me know! =D got 6 claws and 3 tails that I want to stuff my face with.
  13. Wow that's fucking crazy!
  14. That was EPIC
  15. But if you look close it could be an allied. He doesnt have the same stuff on his back as the guy he shovels. And if only rifle nades exploded on impact. Another fail.
  16. Love this video =D
  17. Damn this is in the slope chute. Can I just go somewhere and spam exactly 4000 times so I surpass you parker? K thanks. =D
  18. I was in the middle of starting one with McD and Coogan but then the server shut down for maintence. He was pretty gay starting off but I think he would be pretty decent haha.
  19. Dan the man. My favorite fighter haha. If what you say is true, I'm stoked!
  20. Fml haha. Him and Anderson silva are my least favorite fighters.
  21. Go play number 1 =P
  22. This is exactly why I would adopt a Fat Asian kid.
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