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Quarterman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Quarterman 1st MRB

  1. I'm scared
  2. Banned for a month for his 4th offense.
  3. Name:Hansen Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:42001356 Reasons for the Ban:Trolling Recommended duration of ban:Perm, banned on all 1st MRB Servers Demo Provided?: Y/N
  4. Name:Scinta Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:102521096 Reasons for the Ban:Trolling Recommended duration of ban:Perm, banned on all 1st MRB servers Demo Provided?: Y/N
  5. I've got to wait 15 mins until I can play Hl2 haha. Seeing this trailer made me want to play it.
  6. The game is somewhere between a sequel and an expansion pack, picking up the story of Adrian Shephard, the US Marine who's the focus of Half-Life: Opposing Force (the expansion pack for the original Half-Life). It's set in the Nova Prospekt prison during the events of Half-Life 2, with Gordon Freeman cornered in the alien stronghold and Shephard teleported in by his allies, the Vortigaunts, to help out. Needless to say, while Prospekt will function as a stand-alone title (you won't need to own Half-Life 2 to play it), it's very much aimed at established fans of the series.
  7. Hello Pé, Please be patient until the banning admin can respond.
  8. Thank you for taking the time to post a ban request. Banned for 3 days.
  9. Before my time as well! I kinda like the old avatars, the arrows look more rope ish.
  10. Anyone have any experience with building models and painting said models? I just got my first kit to build/paint as well as pre-made models for a board game called Super Dungeon Explorer. I have never tried painting models before and I was just wonder if anyone had any tips!
  11. My chemistry goes as far as mixing Coke with Spiced Rum. I hope that was helpful Good luck Maple!
  12. Adorable! How clumsy is he? =P
  13. This was the original post that I found on the forums about your permanent ban. I don't know why you were unbanned in the first place, but given your past the new ban will stay.
  14. I did not see this steam ID banned on source. I put in a permanent ban as well as a ip ban from his old steam ID. How did you know that this ID was Lead Farmer?
  15. You've banned him for 1 week, and since its his first offense it will stay at 1 week. Steam ID for reference : STEAM_0:0:40961667
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