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Pandalsson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Pandalsson 1st MRB

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  1. Reading the comments, it seems the kids were playing significantly sub-par opponents (the team he was on won games like 20-0, 30-0). Regardless, yeah, he's got the foundations for enormous potential. He'll need to play again top quality players or else that potential won't be actualized. Hopefully he won't turn into another dangle king like Mike Comrie
  2. Yeah, the ref cam is kind of a nice gimmick (until it wears thin). Good to see that Rogers is acknowledging all the gouging they've done on you. It's to set you up for next year when they charge you $200 for Gamecenter. Hey Engle, does Comcast have an agreement with the Stars or do you have occasional games being blacked out?
  3. Apparently Rogers is using your IP address to determine if they blackout local games to really squeeze $$ out of Canadians. I eventually found out that I have a US subscription ($99 vs $199 w/ Rogers) and it might be possible to stream GCL after Dec. 31st with a VPN? Parker, what are you using to watch the games this year? And I totally agree that it's highway robbery. Engle- You guys had me on the kiddie table anyways
  4. Sorry, all kinds of anger after getting of the phone with our new hockey overlords over here. Anyone else supremely pissed off at Bettman for selling the NHL broadcast rights in Canada to Rogers? Get this pile of honking crap... If you're in central Ontario: Toronto Maple Leafs 56 games (16 of these will require a SN TV subscription with a participating TV provider* from January 1, 2015) Wtf? So you pay full price for a service that offers you 40 of 56 (of 82) games. And to get the remaining 16 you need to pay Rogers even more money to get their 1/2-assed Sportsnet channel (that no one watches). It's even worse for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland & Labrador: Montreal Canadiens All 82 games (42 of these will require a SN TV subscription with a participating TV provider* from January 1, 2015) And yet, they have the balls to say: No blackouts of Montreal Canadiens English games in this region. Well, at least Habs fans get to see 82 games. I feel for Leafs fans who only get to see 56. Oh, and the Rogers Gamecenter guy I spoke with also added, that if you signed up in Canada and find yourself in the US, you get no coverage at all because Rogers only allows you to view games live in Canada. A big heartful F-U Bettman for letting Rogers rip us off so blatantly. Apparently the solution is to purchase your Gamecenter Live subscription from outside North America to get all the games...
  5. Damn you got Grom Hellscream? Nice man Wow you have some killer legs (jaraxxus, deathwing, ysera)! How many packs have you opened? I've only managed to get 1 Legendary so far and I ground him for dust - King Mukla. If they made it so that you get the bananas instead of your opponent then he would be a useable Leg. pandapanda is my tag
  6. Boston has had its share of quality and classy players but when did they start amassing so many guys you can't help but hate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_2oPDaygnw#t=0m19s (and he's calling Weise the baby? Please just get over the fact that you did nothing in the series except be a goon). Edit: I feel for Iggy though. He's right behind Lucic and just looks embarrassed. One of the few guys that actually deserves to get a chance to win the Cup before he retires. And that's not even including Thornton and Chara. No amount of happiness to see this team out of the playoffs. At least we won't have to hear Julien and Chiarelli whine on and on about "unsportsman-like conduct" anymore. Although I'll miss the Daily Show compilations about the hypocrisy.
  7. The King Vs The Kid St. Louis might be the Habs killer though. Let's get it on!
  8. Well, it's your choice, either they're not as dirty or they're being coached by team Forza's manager. And this latest gem from that 5'9" 170 lbs wrecking ball called Brendan Gallagher... On 20 yrs old 6'5" Hamilton no less (oh but they start teaching them so young)
  9. Only 2 more to go but the toughest ones yet. And before anyone cries foul on the non-call penalty shot (which I agree should have been), keep in mind that the refs looked the other way for most of the game and let Boston have their way (which I agree should have given more chances for the Habs to score and make the penalty shot a non-issue). Go Habs Go!
  10. As something completely off-topic but made me laugh (and since the Habs won, good mood abounds): Too bad Farley died so young. He would have done such a great job on Rob Ford.
  11. True story indeed! When I see so many Leafs fans posting online about why they Bolts lost to the Habs now it makes sense. They were using the wheel FOR TB fans instead of their own team so I guess they get the work-around. Not that I think you'd ever post a comment as LeafsWinn4r1967 on TSN hehe Of course, sometimes 3 words is worth more than a .gif as Gooderham so eloquently put it. Regardless, will be an awesome bloody series (for whoever wins) and I guess I can count on those same fans to cheer against Montreal since they have the pick of the litter in terms of Canadian playoff teams. Hey, I'd big enough to say that I'd root the Leafs if they were the only Canadian team left. But then they'd have to make the playoffs more often for that to happen. As a total "holy fuck I feel shame" moment. Was at a pub quiz yesterday and I was playing with a table of non-sporties. The epic shame fail was when I couldn't get this math equation right: Wayne Gretzky's Jersey Number - Mario Lemieux's Jersey Number - Patrick Roy's Jersey Number. There was no excuse - other than the crappy Rickard's Red beer we had to drink.
  12. I suppose Montreal has the chance to use the wheel, unlike some other teams.
  13. There will be blood... indeed. Going to be an intense 7-game series. Just in case, I'm going to cue this up now: Engle, I feel for you. But they have 2 more games to win. Kuemper will need to steal one of those two games.
  14. There was an entire half-game to still play. If TB isn't strong enough to overcome that kind of event during a 1-1 game then the loss is 100% on TB to lose so much of their cool/composure/morale/mojo/whatever else you want to call it that they can't overcome that for 30+ mins more hockey. This is the playoffs. Weird crap happens all the time, unlucky bounces, lucky bounces, missed calls, bad calls. Of course if a team is consistently gifted with random crap (*cough* bruins *cough*) then there's just nothing you can do other than do your best and chalk it up as fate. Of course, Montreal still had to win game 4. It's what you do you with then facing adversity. If it happened in OT or the last minute of a game either tied or 1 down, then there's next to no time to react. Tampa had no excuses. This is the same thing in 2006 when Mtl was up 2-0 vs the Hurricanes. Koivu goes down and all of sudden they lose 4 straight. That's on the Habs. Yes I was angry at the seemingly cheap shot by Justin Williams but Montreal was still up in the game and up 2-0 in the series. That loss was entirely on Montreal for not working harder to compensate for Koivu's injury. But I will agree that no regional refs should be used in the playoffs. And no refs from Toronto should ever be used in a game involving the Habs since any Habs loss will certainly be blamed on the refs as much as the haters think the Habs get away with preferential treatment by local refs. It's enough that the HNIC clowns are so Pro-Leafs and Anti-Habs, no need to make it any worse with refs.
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