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Pandalsson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Pandalsson 1st MRB

  1. Why Detroit will compete for the Cup this year... They went to Hogwarts for cheats.
  2. Same here! I got WAS/WIN on TSN and MON/FLA on RDS plus I'm streaming 4 games on Gamecentre. Hockey FTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IKR!!!!!!!!! Although 24 gigs to stream all 4 games in HD is ... a bit much. I can even understand what Engle is talking about when he's going off on one of his Wild diatribes now...
  3. NHL Gamecentre "Mosaic" streaming + 2 games on tv = watching 6 games at a time. HOCKEY COMA FTW! Now, if only Canada developed a decent unlimited high-speed cable provider...
  4. Zorbanos, I'm not well versed in legalese, but is it possible that there's a "slight" difference between a citywide handgun ban and more stringent restrictions on the purchase of specific types of guns? If so I guess you can remove the "practically" from "practically impossible". Which is kind of NOT my point (to outright ban weapons). And if the defense is to be "a pistol can just as easily do the same damage", then that certainly begs the question, WHY have rifles been chosen over pistols in the past tragedies? Certainly, having a easily concealed weapon would make access to a targeted area much easier no? So what's the motivating element to choose one over the other? So, would dealing with bureaucratic monoliths like the IRS be against your constitutional right? I mean, you don't get more hoops than that. I'm sure it's likely easier to get a rifle than to prove that your taxes have been well filed. If armed gangs with illegal automatic weapons come to your home in a post-apocalyptic future where the entire country has broken down into an anarchist state, and not to be a debbie-downer here, then I highly doubt your access to a high-powered rifle is going to improve your chances of seeing a better tomorrow. Both you and Janke seem be concerned with this "what if the whole country goes down the toilet" scenario - my question is, why allow the HERE AND NOW to get worse so that you can feel like you're standing on the driest part of a sinking ship later?
  5. You didn't really just assume that drunk driving is a result of "fully-aware and in control of their means" drunk drivers did you? Because when you say that "those who drive drunk know very well", it kind of sounds like that's what you're saying. I think I might have mentioned something about a democratic system built with checks and balances on many levels to prevent that kind of ultimate corruption. If modern Americans think they need to ensure that interpretation of the 2nd amendment, I think that they'll have more to worry about then gun ownership. I do believe that Fort Hood has armed MPs? I won't even go into the slippery slope of the argument that more people with more guns = better deterrent because any rational exploration exposes the rather titanic flaws in that defense. And you said you were concerned about what kind of government would be around in 30 or 50 years... Oy vey! Thanks for understanding my OP
  6. Janke, I don't even know where to start with your post. While I do think that you address half the issue, the "why", your discourse is so dangerous because you're actively trying to remove the responsibility of the individual with regards to the tool. Sadly, the crux of the argument isn't really about "less guns = less crime". In truth, if 100% of your population could 100% guarantee responsible use of a tool then there's no reason why that tool should be restricted to the general population. The real discussion is about access to PARTICULAR types of guns to that same population. You talk about how blaming guns is like blaming a car - people don't INTENTIONALLY drive INTO people while under a state of intoxication so the context isn't the same. A gun has a very specific use which is to eject projectiles at extreme speeds toward a target. When you get a gun, there is only one intention - to shoot it. So, really, guns, by their very nature, shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as other tools that CAN be used for more nefarious purposes. While I agree that the musket example is anabsurdist argument, the basis of the observation is more relevant. Everything that governs the behaviour of individuals needs to undergo constant review because cultures evolve and change. The Constitution was drafted during a period of US history that was forged by forceful resolution of armed conflicts. The colonies were not allowed to have their own standing, regular, army and had to rely on militia effectively nothing more than armed civilians. To fight against the "tyranny" of British Imperialism, the only way to do so was for civilians to coerce change through armed determination. So if someone wants to bring up the 2nd Amendment, it's also important to understand the context of WHY it was devised. Last time I checked, the US regular military has come a LONG way since the inception of the Constitution. In addition, the US political system is based on a democratic process that is meant to have so many checks and balances to protect against "internal" tyranny. So, really, what political justification is there to defend this amendment from a pro-gun lobby perspective? You're right, people don't shoot up schools because they have an AR-15 - the AR-15 just empowers them to act on their troubled impulses. It's not even about comparing butcher knives or guns. I put to you the example: you have an AR-15 with (a capacity magazine) and you have a handgun - which do you think will likely cause more harm in the hands of the same person, regardless of how proficient they are with that tool? If you're at the point where you're considering inflicting grievous harm to children, I'd like to think that you're looking at ways to maximize your impact before it all ends. This isn't a point about debating what gun would actually be more efficient in [x] setting. This is about the sheer psychological influence of choosing between a rifle that looks like it's used by military people in movies (and it really just doesn't matter whether the AR-15 is actually an "assault" weapon or not) or a pistol. So, yeah, I'm all for it being targeted more directly. In the end, if people want to get guns for legitimate reasons, they will go through all the hoops to get them. Really the point of all of this is that there's no logical reason why you shouldn't have an excessive amount of hoops to go through before you get the kinds of guns that have been the focal point of the last 3 mass shootings. Short of addressing the root cause, why would limiting the outcome tragedy be a bad thing? But as I mentioned at the beginning this is only part of the issue but one that, with each passing killing spree, becomes easier to legislate rather than looking at changing the fabric of a nation. You need to do both.
  7. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwrtdm_l-...un#.UPobHCc0WSo And, no, you don't need to know french to know what's happening!
  8. Not really sure why it's a train wreck move? It's not like: 1) Bergevin gave him the contract *cough* sather *cough* 2) Bergevin traded for him by giving up what is now NY's 3rd mainstay D-man *I can't cough on Gainey no matter how much he might have screwed up* 3) Gomez can be bought out if he's injured while playing. So, yeah, everyone knew he was being bought out, why risk it and have his stupid salary be an albatross for his last year? As for the recently updated "Gomez/Redden Rule", I'm sure that it would have looked bad for the league and the NHLPA to have a player being paid so many millions for sitting on his ass but as a club move, it a GOOD move (before the fast-tracked compliance buyout CBA revisions). Most of all, it was an INTELLIGENT one by the new administration. So, actually... it just shows the train is getting back on track. Yeah, I hear the Jets might be bad enough in a couple of years to consider relocation. And I just noticed that my "group" changed lol
  9. Burke's press conf was interesting to check out. Well, I just hope that TO fans aren't going to be saddled with a Yes-Man for the MLSE. Burke isn't going to have a problem finding a GM. Maybe the Leafs can hire the guy he'll replace If he was the Habs GM, there are probably things I would rail him for, but his press conference shows the guy is still one of the class guys.
  10. Not always a fan of this guy's articles... but interesting perspective on the ownership. I think that most of the guys I talk hockey with in Mtl are of the same opinion... just really really weird timing. Even if Anselami says Luongo played no factor, it can't be coincidence that Burke absolutely REFUSED to trade for Luongo at "asking price", the start of the season, and his firing all came up at roughly the same time.
  11. As much as I don't like the Leafs, I will feel ultimately sorry for the fan base when Nonis gets pushed to make the Luongo deal that no one else with ANY intelligence wants to touch. The only way Vancouver was going to ditch luongo's salary was if some stupid owner/ownership group did the unthinkable - fire the current GM to replace him with someone they can force to broker a deal. No we'll see how much the Leafs will give up for essentially a contract dump hyped as "our #1 goalie". This might be as bad as the marsh-melo / dwight howard fiascos. Not a good day in Leaf-land. Burke shouldn't have a problem finding himself a job though.
  12. Would be nice if people knew when the draft would be so that they can know if they can draft or not. Sheesh, you Minnesotans get a couple of good players on your hockey team and you think you don't have to explain anything anymore. You'd think that you were already kissing the Cup. Btw, happy new mas and merry christ year everyone. Thank goodness we have hockey again (to last us until july that is...) Oh, yes, btw, sign me up.
  13. Ok, thanks for the heads up. I'm looking at this one: OCZ OCZ-ZX1000W ZX Series Modular Power Supply - 1000W, 80 Plus Gold, 140mm Fan, Active PFC, SLI & CrossFire Support Or is the corsair HX1050 a better choice?
  14. Looking to replace my powerpack and revive my pos computer (I suppose one fight at a time). Hopefully one that is not prone to breaking down after 4 years?
  15. Not sure. Remember that the NBA de-certified last season and it enabled the NBA to roll again (perception of results vary of course). NBA Decertification blog here. I have to stop looking at Engle's links at work.
  16. So, latest scuttlebutt is that Bettman is trying to get owners/players only meeting. Apparently he's tired of dealing with Fe-Wall-hr (yes, that's a chemistry pun) for whatever reason x y or z. That meeting should be funny. Like a father having that condescending "son, you need to get your crap together" talk. Wonder if the players will stand so "united" when the average player is getting screwed out of 100% of his paycheck while the megastars keep the strike going because they don't want to lose their rich deals. Really hard to have any sympathy for anyone in this, maybe except the majority of the NHLPA members, guys who *aren't* the megastars. Of course, of the stars who decided to jump to other leagues to "stay in shape" (*cough* get a paycheck *cough*), it's funny that two of the league's biggest names (Crosby and Stamkos) aren't because, oh, I don't know, they're not hypocritical d-bags? But even they, in the face of a season long lockout are starting to look at options. Doesn't bode well. Oh, and good find Engle on that article.
  17. Hi guys, So yeah, it was the power unit after all. It went kaput a couple of days ago. Thanks for all the help and I guess you can close this ticket now. Cheers, P
  18. Sorry, no it hasn't. I just haven't turned off my computer since my last message. I've had my power source for ... maybe 4 years now? Thanks!
  19. not as fucked as SoA episode 2.
  20. P5Q Mobo Intel2 dual-core E4600@2.4 2 Gigs of RAM NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX OCZGXS700 power supply Creative SB Live soundcard (i have no clue which one, it's been probably a decade since i last upgraded my sound card...) Let me know if you need any other info. Thanks! P
  21. Hi guys, The sound is more like a static-y sound at random-like intermittence (tic-tic...tic...tic-tic-tic...tic-tic...tic-tic-tic...tic...tic-tic-tic-tic). I couldn't isolate the source, it sounded like it came from the HDs area but my rig is medium sized so it really could have come from any part. The fans are not functional (they don't seem stuck even if the sound almost seems like a fan getting stuck). Connections seems ok. My GFX has heating issues but that's been on-going for the past year (i keep reminding myself to change the cooling gel). But otherwise, nothing works, no beeps at all from powering up - no mobo activity really, only the flashing lights and the sound. Sorry I can't give you more precise information. If it happens again, i'll try to note more details (like sound source). Thanks!
  22. Name: Pandalsson Rank: Gunnery Sergeant Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: Not sure what's happening. Today I just took a chance and decided to try and boot up my computer and lo it did. Last night, my computer just refused to even start. I unplugged the computer, waited 30 secs before rebooting. Rinse / repeat multiple times. The only thing that happened was all the lights in my computer (the mobo power indicator, the fan light, HD light, etc) would just flicker on off and this horrible sound like a squirrel getting repeated run over would emanate from the rig. The only way I could stop it was to hold the power button down. This time, the power came out without a hitch. If the issue was the power pack, would it now just... not work? So now, I'm just wondering what else it could be instead of buying a power pack and still cursing at the machine. Thanks P ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Randy Marchese Supporting Technician: Bryant
  23. 1) I don't think they even use their own rigs for the competition. It's the damn Tokyo Game Show after all. They have the $ to put into it. 2) The "walling" effect was added after (since their monitors are probably rebroadcasted on big screens for the audience to see) to show what he did. lol, hope you guys didn't think that he was walling at a public finals event in the most prestigious game show in Asia sector.
  24. Witnessed at LAN event @ TGS for CS tourney finals (so this is all legit!) Noppo is arguably one of the best CS players in the world. This shows why.
  25. Good stuff Dillion. Congrats on the career change. But if you're Joseph and your wife is Mary... is a career change really that necessary if you're fathering the 2nd coming of Jesus? I mean, your wife is pregnant with no sex involved. Not every day you meet someone undergoing some immaculate conception you know. Just saying...
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