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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. Name: Ultranator Rank: Awesome Type of issue: (Software) Brief Description of Issue: I'm trying to use Excel 2010 to track how my managers are meeting their drive thru time goals. I've set up columns for goal and actual times for 5 parts of the day, and then later assign the manager who was in charge of that day part. I've figured out how to make a drop down box wit the managers names. (There are 13 total) What I'd like to be able to do is have the spread sheet subtract the actual time from the goal time, and then add that to a running tally of the manager I assigned to a shift. Is there a way to use the drop down list to make variables determined by what the name is? So I've got like: | Drive Thru Times | |Morning | Lunch | Dinner | Manager | |goal | Actual | goal | Actual | goal | Actual | Morning | Lunch | Dinner | | 140 | 142 | 130 | 99 | 145 | 160 | Bob | Sue | Joe | How do I make it so that Bob would have a value of -2 for the day, Sue 31, and Joe -25? And then be able to keep track of what Bob, Sue, and the other 13 managers do for a Month or so? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  2. YAY, Fox Thread!!!
  3. Thanks, Pistol mod doesn't seem to be working with the update, but that might require the mod to update itself.
  4. He was trolling in the server yesterday. He got plenty of warnings about it.
  5. Steam just updated DOD, we need a reboot please.
  6. You mean exactly like alcohol already does? (Pot actually is much less damaging to your system than booze and tobacco if you keep your consommation reasonable) True. I don't see why it's illegal anyways. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_history...e_United_States This is Wikipedia, but it has some good stuff in it.
  7. I agree with your first point, Morton. Everyone should share their opinions, but not put down the rest for theirs. Try avoiding words like "Stupid", "Ridiculous", "Delusional", and "Retard" please. I don't think Zimmerman should have been found guilty, but I do think he should've stayed in his car as suggested by others. Also, I can understand his frustration with waiting on police to act. I tried calling 911 to report a knife fight at the edge of a bridge in the back of a city park once. Our city's biggest summer festival was going on, and there were like 15 cops 20 feet away. I couldn't get to them because I would have to get past the 20 some teenagers gathered around the fight. So, I tried to the 911 operator that it was happening at the bridge in the back of Headwaters Park. They wanted an address. I told them it wasn't at a street, it was in the back of headwaters park, and she went back and forth with me for like 5 minutes. It's frustrating, but I don't think that even if I had a gun, I would go jump in there and try and stop that mess myself.
  8. http://store.steampowered.com/app/217140/ It's coming back! Does anyone else remember this game? I remember back in like 96 playing it on LAN before high school in the computer lab. It was around the same time as Doom II and Descent. Anyways, it was just frag frag frag. and when you blew up people with rocket launchers eyeballs flew at the screen.... Epic!
  9. It has a 1.6ghz prossessor 2GB Memory. 320 GB HD And comes with Windows 7 on it, not Vista. Oh, and it lists the wireless on it as 1000BGN whatever that means. Here's a pic of what it said on the box.
  10. My brother in law has a brand new laptop he wants to sell. http://www.gammatechusa.com/PRO/D13RL/ I'm thinking of offering him $400 for it. What do y'all think?
  11. lol, Log... Also, I like the Ducky Momo song too..
  12. Name: !!!Division BommelHäschschn!!! Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:18137628 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racial slurs. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  13. My usual go to is to say that you need to run it in admin mode. This is a dumb question, but is your mic plugged in, and if so, is vent muted by chance? I thought my vent was broke about a month ago, and it was just that I had clicked the mute mic button by accident.
  14. This is true. Also, I heard rumors a while back about a possible Star Trek series where Warf was the captain of a starship, and it was called "Warf", but I don't think we're going to see that anytime soon. About Battlestar Galactica, I really loved that show, even though I never watched it until after it was completed. I think they did a decent resolve on it, however and I don't really think they need to bring it back. I loved Heroes, but was glad to see it end after that last disaster of a season. Lie to me is also a show I wouldn't mind seeing more of. Also, one more. A British show called The IT Crowd. That show was awesome, and they kept talking about making another series for it, but never actually did. **Edit** I didn't mention Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles... Even though I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan, I really wish they would've axed Dollhouse a season early to give TSCC a chance.
  15. Who do I root for now? I tend to root for Tyrion. I read a funny joke today: Why doesn't George R.R. Martin usr Twitter? Because he killed all 140 characters.
  16. This movie is awesome! I purposely didn't learn much about the movie prior to watching it, so I was had no idea he was Khan until he mentioned his age. I loved the role reversal of Kirk and Spock from Wrath of Khan. The action was epic. I didn't see any lens flares. It was definitely better than Iron Man 3. Also, did anyone else think that the science officer on the bridge was possibly one of the first Observers from Fringe? Discuss.
  17. http://store.steampowered.com/app/226320/ It looks pretty cool... We'll see how well it works out.
  18. Or maybe this is a good thing. People have been posting too many horrible things on the internet. Maybe if people were slightly afraid that they could get into some trouble over what they posted on the internet, then maybe there'd be less trolling and cyber-bullying. Just my thought.
  19. Is this even a real game? Most surgeons require 2 hands, and wear gloves....
  20. Do lolipops max out at 100 per second?
  21. try wiggling the chord to that side? you might have a short, in which case, you can either buy a new one, or tape it in a position that enables it to work like I did with mine.
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