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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. Only if he weighed the same as a duck... duh... And, damnt... that trick just kept getting better and better.
  2. No that was fine, I wrote that before you started the infestation...
  3. It's not as easy as it sounds.
  4. Dude, that's awesome opossum...
  5. For the How I Met Your Mother fans out there, that Robin Sherboski sure does kick some ass.
  6. I want to go watch it again... but not in 3d this time. I think with all the motion, it's hard to follow it while you're brain's deciding where to put things in perspective.
  7. Aww... I'm sorry we missed that.... There you go, guy...
  8. I realize a lot of people disagree with me, and I agree that neither of us will probably convince the other to change their mind. I was stating my reason for caring about abortions, because I do believe that life begins at conception. I am also pro-life, not anti abortion, which means I'm also against euthanasia and capital punishment.
  9. I don't like being preachy, but you brought it up. Dudes give a fuck about abortions because there's a little dude or dudet in there who doesn't get the "right to choose" weather he or she gets to live. It's like there some dictator in Africa that performs genocide on say 1.21 million people because he doesn't believe they're people. Should everyone not care because he doesn't believe these are people? Or should we be upset because they actually are real people he's murdering? Now, there were 1.21 reported abortions just in 2008 alone. Should I not care because some people don't believe that life begins at conception? So that's why dudes give a fuck about abortions, because someone has to.
  10. Ahh, getting back on topic of how much Holland is a creature of the night, but Interview With a Vampire was before MI2..
  11. Minority Report was... not horrible. And The Last Samurai was really good. Plus, let's not forget his role in Tropic Thunder. Also I liked Valkerie and Knight and Day. So, I wouldn't say everything was down hill after MI2.
  12. Will he flip bottles around like in Cocktail, and then have it be holy water? Or will he tell Dracula that he had him at "Goodevenink"?
  13. Is a vampire.... that is all...
  14. I still haven't ever played Skyrimm, but this video is awesome!
  15. The demos' pretty cool.. I beat Cadet level super fast, and am working on Marksmen. That gravity's a bitch. I wish you had a range finder. There was a tip that said that an Icon appears when there's sound to muffle your shot, but I never see it. Where is it supposed to be?
  16. When I was watching this on the news today, they never showed him after the hit. He didn't even notice he knocked the guy out. If I even gently bump my elbow against something, I'm rubbing it for quite a while. Weird.
  17. I agree. The problem is actually policing it. At McDonald's there is a policy that exists about facebook. Basically stating that talking about anything work related on it from, venting about your personal opinion, to just mentioning anything that someone else did is bad. It's out there, but I haven't decided to implement it yet at our store. A lot of my employees are friends with me, and they still post stupid stuff, like, "I hate my job, blah blah." Or posting a picture of them stringing receipts that should have gone to customers around the drive through booth like garland.
  18. Here's a store about a guy being asked for his facebook password at an interview. http://articles.boston.com/2012-03-20/busi...ssword-facebook I seriously don't understand how they can get away with that. It's against the law to ask any questions that aren't related to the work someone will be doing. Like, "Are you married, pregnant, religious... ect." This should also be not allowed. My wife's a teacher, and she is constantly making sure she doesn't even have friends that post inappropriate stuff. She could lose her job. I've heard of teachers being fired because one of their students found a picture on MySpace holding a beer. Which makes my scout leader telling me that he saw my band director at a strip club kind of confusing now that I think about it. (Apparently it was one of the better places to play pool back in the day...) I would do like Magoo says and lock your facebook down, Click. Or even deactivate it until you get a job. But I'd also say that some people use facebook for soap boxes too much. Venting their frustrations with law enforcement, or your friends not showing up to parties.... Well, bitching about it on facebook will make them want to come more, obviously... /rantcomplete.
  19. Just from looking at his aliases, He's Impersonated 2 BAR members and 1 MRB Members, and could be banned for that purpose alone.
  20. Is it weird that this is how I normally view the forums?
  21. Name: Mola Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:10160900 Reasons for the Ban: TK'd someone in spawn, and then dc'd Recommended duration of ban: Up to you Demo Provided?: N Mainez, Brown, and others were there.
  22. Dude, Bickford, is your sig from The Puppetmaster?
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