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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. Name: Team USA | Ab Lincoln Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:5491765 Reasons for the Ban: Abusive Language, and disrespecting the server. Recommended duration of ban: perm Demo Provided?: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...ories/chat/1602 That was a link to his chat recorded on gameME. It shows him trolling about realism, calling everyone faggots for playing. Also, right before he got banned for a week, he started using his make and calling everyone the N word, and trolling with his mike. I think he should be perm banned instead of just a week, so this doesn't happen again. Thanks.
  2. Thomas.... +1 on this one pal... I'm afraid I'll have to admit that I actually like one of your videos.... Good job sir...
  3. Available in Steam, STOL is now free 2 play up to level 50... So it is downloading as I'm typing this...
  4. Do your Siamese cats get into trouble?
  5. Petri... you do kind of look like Jesus....
  6. I know you didn't actually buy all that stuff you ordered at McD..... thanks for f'n up their food cost... Signed, your Friendly McDonald's Store Manager...
  7. I figure'd I'd post my REAL pic up here since everyone else is posting them....
  8. Name: Ralph Wiggums Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:41586221 Reasons for the Ban: Hacking (Aimbot) Recommended duration of ban: perm Demo Provided?: N He turned a corner and rambo'd 4 head shots instantly with the mg. When someone called him out for hacking, he immediately logged off. Asmaro was speccing him for a very brief few seconds before he quit, and said . Also, on the gameME Stats site, this was his only session on the server, and it was for less than a minute, so it seems he was just in for some quick hacks. But, it's up to you guys.
  9. Go find the number one song on the day you were born and post it here.... Blondie was hot back in the day...
  10. The red ball has me confused... because I don't see where he could palm it over and over.... maybe magnetic?
  11. Name: Surrounded by Idiots Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:22900890 Reasons for the Ban: I'm pretty sure McDowell already took care of it. He was trolling people, and being disrespectful to everyone. Then while I was trying to grab an admin, he must have realized that he was in trouble, because he TK'd me a few times while I was afk, and then like 6 others and logged off. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N
  12. Lol, that was funny... It's a response to this video....
  13. Thomas, you fooled me by having Coogan post this instead.... good one.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...p;v=dcMSTmoNd_0
  15. LOL, Branem, is that secretly you?
  16. Defiantly one of the greatest Americans. His dream changed the hearts of America.
  17. Happy Birthday Tate!
  18. Next Three Days Director: Paul Haggis Cast: Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks Plot Summary: A married couple's life is turned upside down when the wife is accused of murder. Left with no other options the husband decides to plan an escape for her. My take on it: I've seen this movie on the list of online movies on Netflix for some time, but for some reason kept passing it up, because I've never heard of it before. Tonight, I thought I'd watch it, because I read the description, and it sounded good. Plus, I don't think I've seen a Russell Crowe movie I haven't enjoyed. So I hit play and realized that I was up for a doozie, since it's 2 hours and 13 minutes long. It starts out confusing, with time jumping forward and backwards a little bit, and then it get's pretty slow in the middle, but damn if I wasn't muffling screams (As not to wake my wife sleeping on the other side of the house) for the last 45 minutes of it. I would recommend this movie if you like movies about ordinary people deciding to put themselves through extraordinary risks. Once stuff started happening in the last half, I almost felt like turning it off because, I know that I could never bring myself to do anything the main character does in this one. Stress levels aside, I rated it a 4 / 5 stars on Netflix, but I'm still pondering that last one.
  19. Ultranator would like Hitman: Blood Money, if you please...
  20. Why cant you break the button that finds those videos you share? But have you tried using one of your mouse buttons? Like I use one o the extra buttons on the side of my mouse normally... some people also use control or caps lock.
  21. Everyone should be perfectly happy just the way they are. If they don't like how you look ~ fuck em! I'm a baller. If you don't like the way I look, you must be blind or into girls. Scratch that ~ even guys that are into girls should see how sexy I am. To those that still think I'm not sexy well then, FUCK YOU. I think you look just fine, Magic, btw who's that guy patting you on the head in the picture?
  22. Marines and where? I'm confused.
  23. Well... I'm still thinking about getting into TOR some time Also... maybe not this year but eventually... http://www.planetside2.com/ Also Also....
  24. Wow.... that was awesome. The guy in the hat with his expressions reminds me of Patrick Warburton from Rules of Engagement... Actually on further research... he's so board because he's not playing piano in that song... check this one out.. And thank you Benson for finding this band... they are quite entertaining..
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