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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. Had to stop, turn around, pull over and take a picture.... It was that funny.
  2. Sorry, Kirk, I'll try to be a better format follower in the future... Also, nice Firefly reference.
  3. Name: nahtan ☮ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33832920 Reasons for the Ban: Team wounded me in spawn, and intentionally TK'd others before leaving. Recommended duration of ban: Week? Demo Provided?: N
  4. I believe that we all know that the best coffee is at Micky D's.. But seriously, like half the coffee I drink is McD regular coffee.... with 5 cream, 5 sugar, and a squirt of chocolate and caramel too.
  5. Would you accept Tomnus?
  6. I am having the same errors. Where certian textures are blue, or pink?
  7. Thanks, Pang, I was afraid of that when I was thinking about it later... I liked Neon Genesis Evangeleon, though I'm a little ashamed to admit that. And for Yam, sorry, that's just how I've always been used to putting forum posts directed toward specific people. And I've been doing it longer than Twitter's been around. Also, what is the point of the people who share the hash tags on facebook? There's this girl from church that's a huge Reba fan, and one day she shared at least 20 of those silly hash tags.
  8. The Youtube link in your signature is from an anime I know I used to watch, but I can't place it. What is it?
  9. I liked this one too...
  10. Name: Pvt. Wiggins [1st 09] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:5410235 Reasons for the Ban: He crouched up on me from behind, knifed me 3 times, killed me, and then logged. Recommended duration of ban: Forever.. or at least a week. Up to you guys. Demo Provided?: N
  11. .... Sad Face...
  12. Oh, yeah, I love this game.... As for a League, you have to be paying a subscription to start one, but you can join one for free. I've got a villain named Ultranator on the pvp server, and a hero named Act Naturally on the pve server.
  13. I thought it was alright. The drum beats were great, and well timed. The music needed something though. I'm not sure what program you were using, but the tone was just off somehow. Add some bass and some melodic tones to it, and it would sound a lot better. Also, what Goodwin said about silence is true too. Maybe throw a filler in and a pause before picking the main beat back up.
  14. I voted for AMC... Even though I love True Blood, and I loved Band of Brothers, Earth to Moon, and the Soprano's.... 2/3 of those are done now, and I still love Mad Men, Walking Dead, and I'm trying to get into Breaking Bad.
  15. This might be helpful. Thanks.
  16. Name: Ultranator |ßÄЯ| Steam I.D: Date & Time of ban: 11/6/11 1:19am Admin who banned you: The Vent Server Excuse for the Unban: All I did was log back into it after it crashed for the 3rd time tonight, and try to switch to the pub channel, and it sent me a message saying that I was banned for spamming.
  17. Wow, I must say that this is a really well put together newsletter. I love how professional it looks.
  18. Wow... That's ridiculous. I'm a Manager at a McDonalds, and about to be running one soon. I've been working there for almost 10 years, and I've never seen anything like that. We've had to get some of our bigger guys out in lobby to give looks to some people wanting to start some stuff before, but never people jumping counters. And I can tell you that the guy brutally beating those ladies down hopefully got fired, unless they had weapons or something. That's just crazy, though.
  19. Actually.... Fort Wayne's had like 100 man hole covers and sewer grates stolen recently. There's a warning to drivers to keep an eye out for holes in the road.
  20. So, I'm trying to change things up this year... In the past I've been a Jedi, Darth Vader, Loyd Dobber (I really wish I'd taken a picture of that one.) And 2 years ago, I was... Bill the Butcher. So, this year I'm trying to make a steampunk version of Captain America. I've been working bits and pieces of the costume, but at the moment I'm focusing on modding a Nerf gun to make it more Captain America friendly... I started by dismantling the gun, and sanding down all the words and logos off of it, as well as making the surface rough for painting. Then I painted a black primer followed by a few coats of a wrought iron paint to give it a metallic feel... I didn't get a pic of it after the second paint yet, but I'll add more pics once I get more done on it. Also, anyone have any good ideas on how to make a decent shield? I don't want to buy a whole garbage can just for the lid, or spend more than 10 - 15 dollars on the raw product if possible... I'm starting to think that I'll have to just break down and buy an official one at a Halloween store.
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