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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. I've also warned him to stop complaining every time he dies, and suggesting that others were cheating. I just muted him, and he got the hint for the rest of the night. I actually haven't seen him on since then.
  2. Name: Quäääse Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:110090089 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Hacking Demo Provided?: N, but Alpha and Ouch were witnesses to it, and it was pretty obvious. Comments: I never ban people for hacking, but this guy was Aimbotting the entire team from half way across the map. I did a quick spec just to make sure, and then got rid of him before people started quitting.
  3. Name: DHK '- Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:34887674 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Pornographic Spray Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: Warned verbally and via the admin server message warning. Sprayed again later.
  4. Name: Bakuryu Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:47994990 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Spraying pornography. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: I warned him both verbally and in chat, and he still continued to spray the porno spray.
  5. I swear I learned almost all of that stuff he was complaining about not learning while I was in HS... Maybe he should take a college course on how to get a hair cut and not cry so much... Obama would probably pay for it.
  6. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/a-head...t-pete-carroll/ I don't necessarily agree with this, but it sure makes Pete Carrol look a little better... sort of...
  7. WTF Ireland? I mean, I know you guys are just drunk 24/7 over there, but still.
  8. Name: TΛΜΣ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:105992000 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Porn Spray Demo Provided?: N Comments: Removed, the porn spray, gave both a verbal and text warning. He proceeded to spray it again after said warning.
  9. 10:01 EST crashed again, on Polmar.
  10. So, my son came to visit me again for a couple weeks, which meant that last week alone I watched about 20 hours of Minecraft videos on Youtube. Which gave me that old Minecraft itch again. So, does anyone still play? And if so, where?
  11. Ouch, thanks for putting in the request. In the future, please use the Ban request form located in the sticky at the top of the forum. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=1917
  12. It shows you've been banned 3 times now. Twice listed as a bad spray, and once listed as disrespecting an admin. If you're having problems discerning what constitutes an appropriate spray, you might just try not using one. Still, I cant speak for the admins who gave you the ban, but whenever I see an inappropriate spray, I will remove it, and send you a text warning, followed by a verbal warning as well, and only if you continue to put it up would I proceed with a ban. If you can't listen to admins, or grasp the concept of what is pornography or not then to be honest, you should just go find something else to entertain yourself. I don't want to have to worry about my daughter coming in while I'm playing and find your friend's testicles "accidentally" hanging out of his underwear.
  13. I thought I read somewhere that people like that try to get Military discounts by walking around in a uniform. Also, I saw that they're going to talk about this on the CBS Morning Show today.
  14. I actually like this game. It's a lot like League of Legends (which I don't get into), but it's more of a 3rd Person view on your champion. This puts you closer into the action, making it more like playing an RPG game like WoW, instead of an RTS game like regular Warcraft.
  15. http://www.kongregate.com/games/hahahayouh...oring-game-ever
  16. So, if I didn't actually run the file, but just dl'd it am I ok?
  17. If you get a message from someone on steam that says: WTF Dude? definitely do not click on that. It would be a virus. It almost got me until the img asked me for permission to run it....
  18. I'll check it out... I like free, and I know how to not pay for crap on FTP (Unlike my brother who drops money on Clash of Clans.) I was wondering why I already had an account, and Hirez also makes Tribes. That was a fun little game a while back.
  19. Is your first name Lauralie?
  20. So many negative reviews.
  21. Funny that he mentioned about the imitation pumpkin flavored coffee at other places... http://foodbabe.com/2014/08/25/starbucks-p...in-spice-latte/ But, that's a really good video. I'm not picking on it, just Starbucks...
  22. That was an awesome episode! All the Judith parts were pretty hard to watch though.
  23. I don't get it. I could record myself shooting into the air and it would be just as exciting.
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