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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. Name: Biggler Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:30002159 Reasons for the Ban: TW, Spam, porn sprays. He's been banned 7 times now, once it was increased to a month. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanse...amid&Submit
  2. Is it going to be pay to play?
  3. Thanks for the answer mr. negativity. you can play as Odin in Age of Mythology therefore it is better They should've put that in the trailer. I don't think that flashing "Trading Cards!" "Multiplayer!" "Achievements!" at the end was a big grab. It's like driving by a motel that says "Color TV" on the marquee.
  4. Name: Friendly Neighborhood Rapist Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:14536106 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Porn sprays Demo Provided?: N Comments: He sprayed a porn spray, I warned him both verbally and via text. Then he left and came back with another spray full of porn.
  5. Name: Copious Amounts of Cannabis Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:39500492 Duration of Ban: Perminant Reasons for the Ban: Purposely TK'd once in one map, and then the next said the N word twice, once after being warned. Demo Provided?: N, Tex, Barry, and Bryant were all there. Comments: He just got off of a week long ban for TK'ing too.
  6. Name: COMMANDO Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:337753 Reasons for the Ban: He keeps logging in and spraying porn and then leaving before we can remove it. Recommended duration of ban: perm. He's already been banned a day and then a month for this. The month ban just ended on Saturday and he's already doing it again. Demo Provided?: Y/N http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanse...7753&Submit
  7. I hope he gets to bring Jim with him... Those two are a dynamic pair.
  8. So, my wife and I are expecting a little one here in October. We decided to announce it on Facebook via holding a onesie at the freezing butt cold opening night of our local baseball team.
  9. Um.... Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't that derail a train if it goes by? And probably snag on the hoses and pull the firefighters into the train as it's derailing them?
  10. Great job! I like all the new features. Thanks for the hard work guys!
  11. Name: [DgK]` //^-Thug**<33 [R] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12393554 Reasons for the Ban: stupid racism. I don't even think he was trying to be racist, just plain stupid, because one guy said the N word, and we told him not to, and then this moron starts spamming it over and over and over until Blue kicked him. Recommended duration of ban: month? Demo Provided?: N Bluzooka and Booher were there.
  12. Thanks guys. Yesterday was my 3rd 11th birthday. It was a nice day all around.
  13. Name: Vito the Secondary Farmer Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:9672415 Reasons for the Ban: Spammy, and then Mowed down the whole team at spawn and left. Recommended duration of ban: Week? Demo Provided?: N
  14. I get that sometimes due to lag, but not that often.
  15. http://loiter.co/v/watch-as-1000years-of-e...oarders-change/ Check out this video of 100 years of European borders. There's a lot of changes all the time.
  16. Happy Birthday, Kirk!
  17. Sounds fun, but be careful. The government doesn't like us not depending on them. http://www.newser.com/story/182952/florida...g-off-grid.html I just happened to be reading about this yesterday.
  18. Found these on buzzfed.com: The 15 most brutal deaths on Game of Thrones. http://www.buzzfeed.com/antoniaheslop/game...s-as-8-bit-i99b
  19. Happy Birthday, Stone!
  20. I was listening to NPR on the way home today, and they said that the Ukrainian government is telling us that the protesters are National Socialists (Natzis) to get the west to associate them with the Natzis and everything the holocaust did. At the same time they are telling the Ukrainian police that they are being supported by Jews in order to get them to fight them or something. It's all propaganda.
  21. Only if you pay. I never pay for anything I don't have to.
  22. Hey, I just started playing this game last week... It's lot more fun than I was expecting.
  23. Ah, ok, well that's cleared up then.
  24. If you are talking about my post you are missing something. The original post was about America the Beautiful. The subsequent post then brought it up a notch to "god Save the Queen" and "O Canada" which I believe are their countries National Anthem. My post was about how offended I would be if our National Anthem were to be sung in different languages and thus my Olympic note. JP If you're talking about your post, I think YOU'RE missing something, JP. You were referring to the ad and singing our national anthem. My point is that it's America the Beautiful. Why the hell are so many people up in arms. It's a song. It's a really nice patriotic song, but it's still just a song. Maybe Coke was just trying to show that even people who don't speak English as their first language can still enjoy singing about America. (Which America still covers 2 continents and most of this hemisphere, but let's not get started on that naming fail.) Why can't people just enjoy seeing people enjoy stuff in their own way without getting all "'Merica!" about it?
  25. http://scrolldowntoriker.com/ You're welcome. Also...
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