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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. When I first saw this video, I almost didn't click play.... Now I'm so happy I did. Good one, sir.... good one...
  2. I like it, but I wish they would've stuck to clips of the dinos actually opening their mouths... There were plenty of them to go around.
  3. It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! http://www.talklikeapirate.com/piratehome.html https://www.facebook.com/InternationalTalkLikeAPirateDay
  4. It makes sense, at least his argument that there really is no way to negotiate on the price for medicine that will allow you to live. Doesn't the local government tell utilities what they can charge for them? Since power and water are pretty much necessitates, they could do the same thing, and just charge whatever they want.
  5. I don't get it... Is she standing in front of a giant mirror? How is she taking a "selfie"? Front Facing Cameras on IPhones? .. but the camera's in the shot... So, is someone taking a picture of her taking a picture of herself?
  6. It also needed more dancing Tina Fey's.... Oh yeah...
  7. I don't get it... Is she standing in front of a giant mirror? How is she taking a "selfie"?
  8. I saw on one of those dyi sites how to take an acoustic guitar and turn it into a bass uke. I would love a uke.. and a mandolin... and an accordion...
  9. Name: Liquid Hydrogen Cyanide Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:450862 Reasons for the Ban: TK'd 5 people and then quit. Recommended duration of ban: Week Demo Provided?: N Name: Awt Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:56397159 Reasons for the Ban: TK'd like 6 people Recommended duration of ban: Weel Demo Provided?: N
  10. Hey, Thanks Brown. I was wondering if that Poo Flinger guy was a repeat offender, and was going to look it up but forgot.
  11. Name: Nigar Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:72817790 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racist Name, and Trolling Admin Demo Provided?: N Comments: Guy logged in under the name "Niga." Roussel asked him to change it because it was too close to a racial slur. He said ok and changed it to "Niglet." Roussel told him that was still to close, by which I was already about to kick him and tell him to fix it and come back. Then he changed it again to "Nigar." So, I banned him for inappropriate name. http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanse...amid&Submit
  12. I don't know why you guys are in so much of a tizzy... This video, disturbing though it was, was tame compared to the actual vma footage.
  13. We finally got a new Daario... http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed...eme-alum-616705 I liked this guy on Nashville, but I don't see how he's much of an improvement from the last Daario... Isn't he supposed to be some big crazy murdering sob with gold teeth and stuff?
  14. That one took a while to get through... After reading through all the Song of Fire and Ice books, I decided to catch up with my wife who was reading through the Harry Potter books. I'm currently on the 8th one, "Half Blood Prince." After I finish HP, I might go back to some Tom Clancy stuff. He's been writing a lot lately, and I need to get caught up. Maybe he should team up with GRR and we could actually get a new book out from that series sometime this year.
  15. Name: Neegar Shwillhang Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:11625162 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racist Name, Pornographic Spray, and Disrespecting Admins Demo Provided?: N Comments: Was warned to change his name numerous times. Decided instead to argue with all of the admins telling him to do so, and to not spray porn.
  16. wow, that was awesome!
  17. This thread got too quiet...
  18. lol, Jason Sedakus is awesome.
  19. I watched the last video that Stone shared with the spa treatment. I don't like that idea. They were spot on when describing the effects of lavender, jasmine, and bergamot essential oils. We use essential oils at home, and they are wonderful for treating all sorts of medical issues. Where you'll go wrong is using them in this product however. The article Yama posted said that the key ingredient to turn the bath water into gel is sodium polyacrylate, which "absorbs from 800 to 1000 times its weight in water and is actually the secret ingredient that’s used to absorb “liquid” in baby diapers." While this is fun to play with and good for soaking up diapers, I couldn't think that it would be good to relax in. Your pores absorb things really well, especially the pores on the bottom of your feet. I put essential oils on my feet to get the best result most of the time. When put on the feet, oils can spread to your whole body within 15 minutes. Now, imagine what sodium polyacrylate does to your insides if absorbed through your pores. Unless your desired result is dehydration, I'd stay away from it.
  20. flabering flabergast!
  21. Lafy and I worked it out tonight. Thanks, this can be closed now.
  22. Your Ban is only for 4 hours, and it was listed as for Team Killing. You'll be able to play in the server again in about 3 hours.
  23. Now that I have time to work on this, I realized that my example of my spreadsheet was a bit generic. Here's my spreadsheet: http://www.mediafire.com/?q3p960vpq3svcr0 I actually have 5 to 6 day parts, and the third shift is only there on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. I thought I would be able to translate the formulas into them, but it's a bit more complicated then I'm used to.
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