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Ultranator BAR

BAR Officer
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Everything posted by Ultranator BAR

  1. That was Awesome... thanks, Yam... brightened up my day..
  2. Happy Birthday from Kid Shalien!
  3. While Roussel was filling out the ban request, unbeknownst to him, I went ahead and banned him for a week for the TK'ing. I was unaware of the Racial slurs though, so if you felt like moving it to a perm, that would be okie dokie by me.
  4. Name: "§&"§"§"§$"§ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:55574473 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Hacking, and TKing intentionally. Demo Provided?: Y http://www.mediafire.com/?f93eb76vemqvk2k Comments: It's a short Demo, and I already banned him, he was super blatent.
  5. I was going to share that too, but the dancing was so horrible that I didn't want to... But, seriously, what's the level of expectation for dancers in Korea? Being able to move in slight unison with no expression or passion? also, I found this...
  6. Yeah, that chick's pretty hot, I'll give you that. But I think PSY is what makes this video so much awesome.... Also, I think I might have found my Halloween costume this year!!!
  7. Inspirational Birthday Song!!! Happy Birthday IMP!
  8. Holland... I tried long and hard to find a Vampire Birthday video for you.... This is the best I could do... Sorry in advance... Happy Birthday!
  9. http://atari.com/arcade#!/arcade/combat Check out these Atari Games. They're online.. and free...
  10. So... This is Half Life with the Source engine?
  11. Name: Ney Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:36066288 Reasons for the Ban: A few TK's and then TK and then left Recommended duration of ban: Day Demo Provided?: Y/N
  12. How much did this cost you? I've got some kids rolling blunts and littering in my back yard. It's not so severe as what you're dealing with. just annoying.
  13. This aught to make your day just a little brighter....
  14. Name: Newsbold Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:19887334 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple intentional TK's, and then left. Recommended duration of ban: Week Demo Provided?: N
  15. Does this help?
  16. I... actually liked that... and was that an original song at the end? It was pretty good too. Also... F U! I just got that stupid tune out of my head from after Lafy found the Batman one, and I showed like 3 versions of that song to my wife last week.... dun dun... duuun dun dun... dun dun dooonnooo!!!ddklsdjfsdl... /falls off chair crying....
  17. The first one I think is perfectly understandable, and the second I would be all for, as I watched a man walking home from the bar on a Sunday afternoon, stop and pee in the bushes across the street from my house.
  18. It's currently on sale for $17 for the next like 12 hours.
  19. I realize I'm not in the MP office, but as an admin, I'd like to know what game exploits you are referring to, as to better enforce server policies. Again, I apologize if this reply is in bad form.
  20. That was either the most amazing thing I've ever seen, or the worst pile of crazy bat shit.... Also, I'm pretty drunk right now.
  21. LOL, I think might be... I also think I saw one of my employees, so it'll be fun asking him if he's in a youtube video chatrouletting with a guy in a bikini... Also, I like the guy who was like, "bewbs Please..."
  22. nuff said... Also....
  23. Thanks it works now!
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