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Fujiwara last won the day on June 1 2020

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    I used to play Lax.

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    M1 Garand

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  1. Name: j_trash Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:1761615 Reasons for the Ban: Multi-hack Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y https://www.mediafire.com/folder/1agp8f9p1fv61/ There are 3 demos, the third is the one I partially reviewed after the fact. Three ticks I marked watching it again were: - 14400 sees Duckers before he crosses, sets the xhairs lower in preparation - 21300 looks at guy through wall at start of round - 96000 the most glaring thing I noticed watching live. The player has usually scoped that angle, but this one was similar to 21300 in that he scopes on the wall, and "adjusts" right in front of an enemy jumping out of the window. You could probably see more of the same from all three demos, but essentially what I think is there is toggle for an aim assist of some kind that can see people through walls. That or aim assist + material hacks (which can also be wallhacks). Toggle because he is inconsistent in terms of awareness, aim, and shots/flicks. Aim assist because of the flicks. Walls because of the xhair placement and angles played.
  2. Larson, No worries, I saw that too when I tried to view the ban reason on SourceBans. I know I'm probably looking at sometime in the new year when the bandwidth gets reset. Have a good New Years!
  3. Name: Ray Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:10322432 Date & Time of ban: 12/27/19 11:30pm EST Admin who banned you: GySgt. S. Warren [1st MRB] Reason we should Unban: Still do not cheat. For reference, Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Thank you and have a great day.
  4. Name: Pochinki Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33507576 Date & Time of ban: 03-24-19 16:07 Admin who banned you: Paul Reason we should Unban: Reason 1: Alt. account of Ray, Mayhem Reason 2: Have been a part of this community for so long and have contributed to keeping the servers free from cheaters. Have never cheated, and never will (unless they make a single-player only campaign with dods, then I will fly around noclip'd w/ infinite ammo). Reason 3: Literally helped Larson this morning catch a guy aimbotting and walling. Refer to the post
  5. Name: Mayhem Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:159469188 Date & Time of ban: 02-03-19 18:53 Admin who banned you: Wilson Reason we should Unban: Reason 1: Alt. account of Ray, Mayhem Reason 2: Have been a part of this community for so long and have contributed to keeping the servers free from cheaters. Have never cheated, and never will (unless they make a single-player only campaign with dods, then I will fly around noclip'd w/ infinite ammo).
  6. No worries, besides that demo and his stats page I don't have anything else. If you need to verify, I would suggest spectating him in open spectate or through team spectate. His stats page for reference: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/261406
  7. Name: Tikvah Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:435880967 Reasons for the Ban: Multi Hack Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y https://www.dropbox.com/s/n9tvsays1k850k1/tikvah.dem?dl=0
  8. Name: The Greatest Camper Ever Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33507576 Date & Time of ban: 08-19-17 15:18 Admin who banned you: Small 1st MRB Reason we should Unban: Reason - Team Flashing. Don't know what this means in dods. Was not on the server day of ban. Was banned under the alias "Dat Boi" which I have never used. Was a web ban so possibly a mistake, maybe copy pasted wrong steam id. Unsure of ban altogether.
  9. SSgt. K. Fujiwara Assassin's Creed 3
  10. Congrats deadchick, Jank, doc, slings, and Balian! I'm sorry if you guys left the server because of me!
  11. Name: ramDEEP Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:148282 Duration of Ban: Perm, since he insisted on pushing my buttons Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling/teamwounding at first, then started mouthing off Demo Provided?: I have a demo, but his stats page should be enough. Comments: Events - http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...es/events/70399 Chat - http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...ries/chat/70399 I also banned his buddy, cumDEEP for a week after he started teamkilling as well. Upgrade to perm if necessary.
  12. They keep giving me copies, I have 6 now...
  13. I have a couple invites.
  14. Name: Officer Barbrady Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:30887076 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Mass Teamkilling, was ~ -50 Demo Provided?: N Comments: Apologies to the pubbers who had to endure this.
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