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Everything posted by Fujiwara

  1. I like seasons 3 and 4 of Skins. I like any TV scenes with Gemma Atkinson in them. And I like Top Gear, and the guys at 5th Gear are ok too. Graham Norton is funny but sometime his questions are a bit out there. That's about it for me. Oh and Brainiac when it was hosted by Richard Hammond.
  2. Name: Amon Goeth Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:36556073 Reasons for the Ban: Cheating Duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?f0g6fpd3tg44ffu
  3. Want to see something even more unbelievable? Check out the month section of the population graph.
  4. Name: nonstop Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:51011094 Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Y I can provide a link in a little bit. His stats page caught my eye first.
  5. Ouch, at least you weren't standing in a pool of acid while looking at your inven... oh... *Makes like a tree and runs away*
  6. While it seems I may not be the best person to judge regarding the subject of this thread, I will say that I like that song as well. Am I gay for liking ?
  7. I always wondered where the vocals came from... Am I gay for liking ? The quality of the audio is a bit off, but yea, this is one of those songs that I've listened to hundreds of times, and still never gets old.
  8. If you bought/activated a game through Steam, you should be able to just download everything again without paying for it (unless there is DRM for the game). However, I would suggest to backup your game files to an external HDD so that when you do switch to a new computer, all you have to do is copy-paste the files to the steamapps (or your specific account's) folder and then "download" the game. It'll start the download, but you should see your bandwidth drop to zero while the actual download progress increases. It might take a while depending on how many games and how much data there is, but it'll save your bandwidth and some time from downloading everything again.
  9. Am I gay for liking this?
  10. Why do I feel like you are using the forums like a Facebook/Twitter?
  11. OH SHIT, they caught us Payday'ers!
  12. Name: renok Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:42005019 Reasons for the Ban: Cheating; accompanying screenshot Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y http://i45.tinypic.com/2hs50no.png Comment: This was not in our server, but he has had VAC'd accounts before.
  13. Want to do it Screamed down a steep(ish) hill on my bike into a busy road when I was little. Came out without a scratch and didn't cause an accident either. Looking back some of the decisions I made probably weren't as simple and innocent as I thought they were (such as walking in alleys in NYC alone, walking to school alone, wandering in the woods alone...)
  14. To me, it sounded like this incident wasn't just a one time thing, so the teacher's lawyer's defense of "My client wasn't in the classroom for the instance" does not sound too convincing. I don't have all the facts and I'm not too familiar with the protocols of tenure and what not relating to the teachers' rights, but this is one of those things were I feel like you have to fix things, not to hide in silence. While I can only assume that working with special needs children can be taxing, there should always be a level of professionalism and respect that should be present in a work place, and even more important in a classroom environment.
  15. Tree: "Just carve a heart already..."
  16. Any word on the FR-S/BRZ? And, will you wait for the BRZ STI or just the base?
  17. Reverse behind the back goal at 0:44? Nice...
  18. Fujiwara

    HOTM - 3/12

    Note, there is a rather blatant mistake that hopefully will be overlooked; it's tough to catch one little slip up among varying tracks. There are other small mistakes as well but hopefully there is enough good parts to make it enjoyable. Thanks to those that submitted. Constructive criticism is encouraged.
  19. Fujiwara


    Yay! Friend request sent.
  20. Close...
  21. M.G. 81?
  22. Fujiwara


    If the Captain hasn't already persuaded you, I'll give it a go.
  23. Willliams machine gun?
  24. CoD (18) CoH (15) Civ (15) MoH (17) AC (21) LoL (14) WoW (13) L4D (15) DOTA (15) WH40k (15) TF (7) TF --> AC
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