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Everything posted by Fujiwara
Have I stated that Avalanche is my favorite map from the rotation? Oh, and from now on I will try to post 100+ scores on maps other than Avalanche.
If there was enough interest, could we have a tournament with this setup? Oh, and more interesting match ups, in my opinion: Kirkendall vs Percy - Carbines Pandalsson vs Elf - Sniper Pandalsson vs Kirkendall - Sniper Pandalsson vs Denis - Sniper Dillon vs Englebretson - Support More matches, go go go!
Alrighty, so I was just wondering what, if any, resolutions are people working on, DODS-wise? For me, I have gone from the "traditional" WASD configuration to the RDFG configuration, which moves most of my old binds to the right two keys. I have also begun transitioning to playing with an inverted mouse from my regular mouse settings. Other than those two, I just have the usual "Get better at DODS" and "Have better match performances than last year."
Name: Fujiwara Game: Skyrim Why? Because I feel like Skyrim would fill in my free time while off college.
BanRequest :: Rec. E. Russell [507th PIR]
Fujiwara replied to Elf's topic in Military Police Archives - DoD:S
From what I saw in the demo, he tried to shoot someone that was behind a wall pretty blatently. He also was tracking the same support at the end of the demo through the wall. At the end though, was the only real solid evidence. -
Kalt and Colmar aren't the only maps, unless the servers I went on were setup differently. They also don't make the models disappear; they act like a dropped gun, except one cannot affect it by blowing it away with nades or shooting it, rather one can only run over it and pick it up. Our servers, for whatever reason, do not have these gift drops.
Name: ShadowSector Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:32953911 Reasons for the Ban: Cheating Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Yes, http://www.mediafire.com/?6gkvtl423u14k46 I included a status screenshot as well as a few other screenshots in his POV via Spectate. He was not on our servers, but I don't want anyone else to go through the trouble of suffering a cheater. Here's his BG GameME page : http://thebattlegrounds.gameme.com/playerinfo/665797
If anyone's seen the video of Peter Schiff talking with some of the OWS protesters, let me know if you found any sound or coherent arguments from the protesters.
Uhm, unless Jones was really outside the building as per your video shows and Maines was really unloading on the doorway that you used to get into the building, I don't think that your demo actually shows him getting through... I can only imagine though.
Today's 15 kills in the last two minutes, with the last one beating the buzzer.
Name : Keisuke Fujiwara Reason : Financial Issues
Buy a dedicated headset, such as the Sennheiser HD555 or if you're fancy the HD595 and then buy a dedicated mic. Don't buy into the gimmicks that "gaming" companies try to sell you for their "gaming" equipment. You're pretty much paying 60% the actual quality of the headset, and the other 40% is the looks and other neat stuff they advertise to you. Here's good article for those looking for a good pair of cans. http://www.overclock.net/sound-cards-compu...s-headsets.html EDIT: Ok, so the 60-40 thing might've been an exaggeration, but still I believe that you guys should not waste money on flashy junk (some are not junk, but still flashy and overpriced).
If you have a trustworthy friend that lives on the border of US and Canada, I say paypal him/her to buy all your parts during the US Black Friday, then either you can pick it up or he can ship it to you, or meet somewhere in the middle. That way, if you do decide to purchase parts to make a rig, then you'd be saving a considerable amount of money (I saved around $500 + $200 in MIR on my computer). You could also have someone else build it for you, ie ibuypower or cyberpowerpc, but in my opinion, unless you're really afraid of somehow messing up or just don't want to go through the RMA process for DOA/defective parts, then there is really no reason to use their services. The benefits of building your own pc (from my experience): - You have a better understanding and appreciation for the parts you install - You can save a lot of money if you buy smart, ie free shipping (esp. if you buy a lot of parts, you don't want to pay another $100 in shipping), instant discounts and promo codes, MIR (they can be a bit tricky, but so far I've had no bad experiences from several companies) - You know what should be in your computer (for instance if you run benchmarks or CPUID or GPUID then you can compare your results with others over the net, and thus find if something is out of spec) - The feeling you get when you build your own computer, and when it boots for the first time The downsides: - Well you have to spend some time to build it correctly, especially if it is your first time. - Like I said earlier, there can be parts that arrive in bad condition, and some RMA processes & customer services can be horrendous + the $ for return shipping, and some can be just fine - Sometimes the MIRs don't go through or whatever, and so you might not get as much savings as you originally thought - The feeling you get when you build your own computer, and when it doesn't boot during the first attempt. BTW, $1500 is an awesome budget, but what else are you going to do with this rig? For gaming, that might be too high for a mid- to high-end gaming computer (unless you're a real enthusiast), but I am not sure since I haven't kept up with the tech races as of late. Last time I actually did any research was when the HD 6870 and 6970 just came out so there's probably a lot of new items out on the market. Anyone who's kept up can probably fill you in better than I can. And there are probably some things I might have missed so I'll just give some guidelines: 1. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH 2. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH 3. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH 4. Setting a budget and knowing what the PC will be doing is very important. You can have a $5k rig, but if all you do is Word Documents and Web Browsing... 5. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH Alright, so, hopefully I have stressed the importance of one's own work. Remember, it's your PC, so whatever YOU decide to go with, YOU will have to deal with it for however long it lasts. This is not to say that asking for our opinions is not a good thing, but our opinion's should be taken with a grain of salt. If you need help finding sources of information regarding PCs and parts, here's a few: overclock.net tomshardware maximumpc guru3d Theres much, much more. Some of the sources though can be viewed as biased sometimes, but again, its important to do extensive research to make sure the parts you're considering are up to your specs. Cheers, Fujiwara
How recent was this demo taken? If it was recorded before the engine update this week, then I believe DODS will not be able to play it. There used to be a way to allow playbacks of old demos, but I don't have the details. I just heard that it was possible from competitive league ACs.
I drive a Honda, so what?
Explanation of LERP and Hitboxes... I hope.
Fujiwara replied to Ford 1st MRB's question in Day of Defeat: Source Questions
Its not always a user-side error. Sometimes its the servers'. -
If you are using Fraps for any source game, I would say you have spent money on a program that doesn't do any more than what a few lines of commands in your console can do, plus the console method makes it arguably so much easier to transition from capturing to loading it up in the editor of your choice (mine is sony vegas pro). If you are using Fraps for any other game, such as BFBC2 or COD or w/e, then I guess it justifies the money. Sorry to say, but I'm just trying to help. There are cmds that allows one to make really high quality videos from any source game, as long as your movie cfg is set up correctly. (more on that later) Now to your question, have you tried placing the program in question that is playing it to top priority in your task manager? I sometimes had a problem similar to yours where my video would lag waaaaay behind the audio. If that does not fix it, my friend Google can probably help. I'm really bored in class...
You should try startmovie in console, but only if you know what you're doing, otherwise you'll have to redo the whole process over and believe me, if you don't have a super fast CPU you'll be very frustrated when you try to redo it to squeeze a little more quality out of the video. This is assuming one is to work with sony vegas afterwards. I've got a couple links on how to make HD quality videos from source demos, but I seem to have misplaced them. EDIT: Well for a first attempt one cannot really expect much, but everyone starts somewhere right? At least your hearts in the right place, so with that: First off, *DISCLAIMER* this is written to the best of my knowledge while also in 7:30 lecture so I could be wrong or may have missed some points. Second, afaik, no recording a demo first does not directly result to the blocky resolution, it probably has something to do with what encoding and render you used. You could look into VirtualDub or x264 or something like that. Again, its been a while since I've read up on my movie-making process, so please don't take everything I say as the ultimate final thing. Third, what editor are you using? There are couple free ones from what I remember to be somewhat useful, but if you really want to make something worthwhile I would look into Sony Vegas Pro. How you obtain it is up to you, but I advocate the legal method of acquiring such software. Fourth, forget about fraps, its too low quality on the free version that its really not worthwhile imo to even use. But I, too, first used fraps before I was shown the light of source demos by my peers. Fifth, I would think about how you present your scenes much like anything else in life that you present, "At the end of this ___, I want my audience to ____ _____." And then work your way to achieve that ultimate goal. Finally, I would say to just keep working at it. The only way we progress is by continually working on it. Don't be discouraged by what others might think or say, just work hard to improve. I'm sure there are others in the unit that know much more about movie-making than I do, like Branem and what not, so I would try messaging them and asking for tips and what not to make the process easier on you. Sources: Buddies of mine that have produced many CSS, DODS, TF2, and COD videos and professionals who do this for a living, granted not for video games, but the basics are the same. Plus about 10 hours of toying with mini-projects of my own.