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Al-Jefri 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Al-Jefri 1st MRB

  1. As a loyal xbox fan I'm pretty disappointed
  2. Thanks Marsden but Mcclendon already sent me an invite !
  3. Anyone else have an invite ?
  4. Almost done downloading dods, ill be on in a bit
  5. Happy birthday !
  6. Apparently the guy posted on 4chan few days ago saying he was tired of life and to keep an eye out on the news. Also posted pictures of his guns and backpack.
  7. Dig a tunnel dig dig a tunnel
  8. I'm down for this ! Even though I suck at this game
  9. If I'm not wrong this is a turkish show subbed to arabic lol
  10. Sheva goal What a legend
  11. I've got 3 passes, whoever wants them just message me on steam
  12. Did you just get the card recently? Might be a defective card
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