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Everything posted by Jankovski

  1. Thanks guys
  2. That is a pretty good setup. Although i would have bought more RAM. Why? Because why not
  3. Have it , played it . Although i was playing it alone so i got bored a bit and deleted it.
  4. We don't permaban teamkill. Especially since the user has been only banned once and there is no screenshot provided. Ban reduced to 2 weeks.
  5. Could you tell us what is your price range? I personally would suggest you to check out Nvidia Graphic cards. I used to have MSI GTX 760 2GB Gaming and i was really satisfied with it, only reason why it is changed it because i had some spare money to buy a newer GPU. I stayed with Nvidia because they use less power and as well produce less heat.
  6. I have lowered his ban to 1 month as he didn't team kill or anything like that. If this this guy doesn't learn from it his next ban will be permaban.
  7. He has been permabanned already.
  8. CWO Martin has banned them for a week. However i changed those bans to permanent but forgot to add a comment for those issued bans.
  9. Heya, Thanks for posting this. It has been taken care of. They are permabanned.
  10. Yeah i am . It goes crazy as hell but i got a chance to buy a newer car for dirt cheap.
  11. You can by this one :D
  12. This ^ Welcome back Dillon it's great seeing you again. We do hope you consider re-enlisting !
  13. Steam support really stepped up. They have refunded all the money that was spent on that day.
  14. So i was hacked earlier today. My account was retrieved and no damage was done to anyone else with this accident, somehow he passed my protections i had in place. However all from my friends list were deleted by that idiot. So it would help alot if you all could readd me when you can on Steam
  15. Thank you guys i have been drunk most of my day ,so it was used to the max
  16. Ban is lowered to 3 days. 1. Permanent bans shall only be used in the following circumstances: Cheating (Demo Provided), racism (can include sexism), impersonating a 1st MRB member.
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