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Everything posted by Jankovski

  1. I saw him when he was on the pub team killing and banned him.
  2. Please do. I forgot to mention it. I traded my reciever for a integrated amp Sony TA-1150 and got some awesome Canton Fonum 90 speakers.
  3. Its been a long time since i saw that video, still makes me laugh. I found this video
  4. Yeah i'll check into Pioneer, but with my limited budget i will have to check for the market. I have lots of German brands here but not so much American or Japanese ones.
  5. Your reply Kirk is all i needed to hear. Thanks I heard about Klipsch speakers however i can't find them here in Serbia, well i can but they are all above 200 euros which is too much for me. Honestly i love vintage stuff. Here are some speakers i found and im interested in. Pioneer CS 777 Pioneer CS 701 Heco SM 640 heco SM 770 Canton fonum 100 Heco Profil 2008 Saba K-50 I listen to all types of music, today i will listen Freddy tommorow i will listen to some Electro etc. So yeah its kinda problem to specify what kind of sound i want to hear. When you got time tell me which would be your choice of those i listed above. Audio expert that fixed my turntable told me that if i want a nice warm sound i should sell my receiver and buy a vintage one like Sony str-6055 or a Pioneer SX 525 so idk should i listen to him or what.
  6. Personaly i think that is a better choice. I prefer Nvidia graphic cards.
  7. Name: P. Jankovski Rank: WO Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: Okay here is the thing. A the moment i got some bad speakers so i want to get 2 3way speakers. Thing that i was reading about and cant figure out is Ohm impedance. Most speakers that i'm seeing are 4 ohm or 4...8ohm impedance. I'm scared that i may burn my receiver if take the wrong speakers that are too strong or something . Sticker on my reciever says 120wx5 . So how much watts per speaker can my reciever handle and how much ohm impedance should i look? My receiver is Kenwood KRF V5080D. Also it would be helpful to give me a tip which manufacturers should i look for example Technics or Heco or Marantz. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  8. Stork, is this too pricey for you? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/cR3J4D This is the one i made for Melnuk. ^
  9. Demo confirmed. Definitely a permaban deserved.
  10. Stork what is your budget on the build if you dont mind me asking? Also pretty much what Woz said is spot on.
  11. This is something i would buy for myself. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/cR3J4D Without an optical drive. I do use an AM3+ configuration and im satisfied with it. Intel is good, but its overpriced. With graphic cards i would stick to Nvidia, yeah they cost more but they use less power then Radeon, and also produce lot less heat that Radeon.
  12. Thank you for posting those demos Theik. He is permabanned now for wallhack.
  13. Welcome to the 970 club I got a Asus Strix 970. It eats puppies
  14. This game is epic. Tried it already couple months ago. Still play it from time to time.
  15. Try updating your GPU drivers. I had some issues with the game before i updated them.
  16. Alhemista add me
  17. Permabanned. Thank you for posting the ban request.
  18. I got a Tropico 4 spare steam gift. If anyone is interested and is a fan of that game let me know so i can give it to you. First come first served
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