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Everything posted by Jankovski

  1. I lowered it to 2 weeks since this is his second offense.
  2. Oh hell no i imma find a person to vote for you Quarterman!
  3. Sure why not im down for that. I dont have all DLC though.
  4. Honestly this was destined to happen. I think it would be best to just shut down Top Gear. Nobody can fill Clarkson's shoes but also Top Gear was getting boring in every new season it became a typical show with alot of graphic make up.
  5. Made a new skin for CSGO , this time Deagle
  6. Even though im a AC fan , AC3 is just bad, well everything after AC2....
  7. Im buying this game today. Is anyone else playing it?
  8. Made another one ,this one is for AUG I was also trying different colors
  9. Did you saw Death By Kitty p90? Kirkendall posted the picture ? Now thats ridiculous and that skin is a red one. Mine has taste Thanks for the AWP
  10. I made another skin this time for AWP check it out
  11. Thank you for posting a ban request Beralic. He is permabanned now...
  12. I also had this set of colors as a second option.
  13. Honestly i wasn't planning on painting the muzzle and trigger but when i did i really liked it. Wanted to paint the magazin solid black but the animation was cool so i just left it like that. check it out
  14. Thats a Hindu mantra sign , its also used now as a symbol of trance music .
  15. Hey guys i started working in Steam Workshop to make custom weapon skins for CSGO Tell me what you think and if you like it help me by voting up for me on this link .
  16. I was thinking of this one but might go with something else. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...N82E16811139042 Thats a good call i could also recommend you also this ones http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...9-263-_-Product http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...6-148-_-Product http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...6-093-_-Product
  17. THats a really nice build . Whats the PC case that you will put all this in?
  18. Pretty nice present. Im working with 550 paracord myself. Great stuff
  19. Cannon and Willow Duckers Jones
  20. Anyone else playing this? IM thinking of buying it so maybe we could form a Crew and be the the Kings of the streets
  21. I have reviewed all the demos and its clear that you were using wallhacks. You will stay permanently banned.
  22. Demo Number 1 pretty much says it all. You can see on tick 185 that he watch a player through wall and then pre fires as soon as he moves. Tick 990 shoots the same player through smoke even though normally you cant see him. Tick 1223 shoots again through smoke and kills the player. He knew exactly where the player was. Tick 2201 he just turned around and headshoted the sniper. Same goes on Tick 2430. On Tick 3078 shows he knew already where the support and rocket are. Demo Number 3. On Tick 1213 he saw the player with thompson through the wall on the left , there is no way he could see him without wallhacks. Demo Number 4 .On Tick 972 he prefires to get the kill through the window. First demo that is named carmex7.... On tick 636 he saw the player with tommy gun and tried to throw a nade through a window( closed one lol) . TIck 870 shoots through the barn, obviously seeing through wall. Tick 1112 he prefires. Tick 1720 he already placed his crosshair on the target just moved around the wall prefired. This demo alone is a clear proof of wallhacking and i also suspect aimbot. He is really accurate with MP40. All demos reviewed. Ban stays.
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