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Distinguished Civilian
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About Logsdon

  • Birthday 10/29/1995

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  • Location
    Smyrna, Delaware

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  1. Mmmmm. So much firepower.
  2. Hahaha, sweet.
  3. I appreciate lemurs more than I appreciate sloths. Read it and weep Brown.
  4. Just gonna say that sloths are ugly and the sloth band-wagon is over okay have nice day
  5. Marines
  6. Name: Митька Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:21718762 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing Recommended duration of ban: One week Demo Provided?: No
  7. Name: Митька Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:21718762 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team killing after repeated warnings; Joined the server and team killed again after a kick from the server Demo Provided?: No Comments: I accidentally permanently banned him, but the guy's been a problem multiple times in the past. Repeated bans with a one-week duration. Please change ban to whatever you see fit.
  8. I got the game a couple of days ago, and I'm loving it! Personally I dislike DayZ because my computer can't run it very well and the UI/overlay/whatever confuses me to all Hell. WarZ, however, runs at a comfortable FPS on my machine and it doesn't really seem all that different, minus you start out with stuff (first 5 characters, not overpowered), the map isn't too gigantic, and the zombies are super easy to melee one at a time (boo). I don't like random jerks that go around and kill you for no particular reason, but there aren't any rules against it. It's a zombie apocalypse, so if you want to survive, don't be seen or blow them away before they shoot you. I'll be looking for it.
  9. So can you cure cancer with bacon?
  10. Unfortunate for those on the other side of the barrel...
  11. Looking good! Thank you for your service
  12. Wait, so what's bacon?
  13. Yes
  14. Just felt like uploading this
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