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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by St-Denis

  1. Name: lov2lul , i love giants hans Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:51284789 Duration of Ban: perma or 1 month Reasons for the Ban: tk the whole team with mg. leaving and rejoining under afther allias and tk some more. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Has been taking care of by Cannon.
  2. Name:louis Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:41115543 Reasons for the Ban:TK -8 and mic spam Recommended duration of ban: 1-4 weeks Demo Provided?:N
  3. Name: Barry Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33685229 Duration of Ban: 1 week or 2 Reasons for the Ban: Spamming mic in game and then leaving server Demo Provided?: N Comments: Hi
  4. Name: Yanik St-Denis Date & Time of ban: Around 4pm i think Admin who banned you: I don't know in Vent Excuse for the Unban: I dont really know why i was banned... I did notthing wrong. Just had my last name.
  5. Happy Birthday Kaba.
  6. The fuck is this?!?!?!?
  7. Fujiwara and Pandalsson.
  8. Please tell me when your in Canada then...
  9. Lol, very nice.
  10. U dont put in ur really Steam ID it's your Community ID, two very different thinks.
  11. Found 191 Games with a value of $2568.95 USD mhmm anyone wanna buy?
  12. Didn't like it .
  13. Happy Birthday GooderHam, Hope u have a good one.
  14. Well said parker, the Unit is a great example. Glad to her it maines, hope u go to college now.
  15. LOL, how do u find stuff like this xD
  16. Here's a little help for the hunt guy's. Tiger IS If u guy's want a tank to show up, just tell me, il give u guys it.
  17. The T25 AT is Only a strong TD when u use the Tier 9 gun on it (105mm) or if u upgrade the 90mm on it, cause or else it's not really that much great of a TD. I would rush out of it when u can and get the T28, it a really big nice upgrade.
  18. Im not an Arty players, im more in the TD and Meds, i would ask Warren for a bit of arty tips.
  19. Here some help to new guy's starting this. Lowe, Hull Turret This is how they hit box this game. Everything has it own special spot just got to know where to hit it. Hull Turret Also knowing the week spot's on the enemy tank is important. I how do more if u guy's want more help at this game, i have plenty more where this came from
  20. LOL!!!!! +1 here.
  21. Guys i just wanna point out that Cast has got some hacks now.
  22. I think i got that wrong, C&C 3 is fine, It's C&C 4 where they brought up this crawler bullshit in the game.
  23. Oh, something is going on there
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