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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by St-Denis

  1. Leave it to Branem to find some weird video's....
  2. WOW... Really... Like who the fuck those that...
  3. Happy birthday Tate
  4. ***Sniper Challenge*** St-Denis VS Ella Il let ella pick time and Date for this Event, if the challenge is Accepted.
  5. Wow..... thats kinda bad..
  6. Name: Pfc. Star [5th ID] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:46873414 Reasons for the Ban: No sign of respect in the pvt when doing a open realism, shoot an admin when was ask too fall out. Had more case of no respect in the past in the private server. Servers: Pub and Pvt. Recommended duration of ban:Perma Demo Provided?:N, but case of MRB member's can act on this.
  7. Diablo 3 is also to come out on 2012.
  8. LOL
  9. St-Denis

    Funny Story

    Soo i check my phone afther my class is done from college, and i see that there is a realism in the private. Soo i get in my car, start speeding on the highway, and of cours there has to be a cop to pull me over. I tell him the reason i start speed cause i wanted to play my game at home and that college was long, he start laughing at me and let me go with a warning. Soo i get home, open my computer just to find out that the Realism is over, and i go FML.... Then i went to make souper..... My speed was around 60 K/H over, Soo 160 in a 100 zone. Mph mhmm maybe like 100 in a 60 zone.
  10. Thx man, it worked.
  11. My number keys 8, 9 and 0 dont wanna work in game, cant leave the admin menu once activited.
  12. Wow.... What happend of looking for a job lol.
  13. LOL!! Very nice, where do u find all this stuff XD
  14. LOLOLOLOLOL Very nice vid.
  15. Get ur ass back here private.... wait..... fuck i miss those days....
  16. Name: mango Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:8813582 Reasons for the Ban:Wallhacks Recommended duration of ban:Perma Demo Provided?: Yes http://www.mediafire.com/?u843y7491hf8ind : For some reason, i lost some demo's i hope this is the right one.
  17. Very Nice Engle, alwats wanted to get a USP.
  18. Wish i had posted something like this a while back lol XD , Une criss de bonne chose AANNN!!!
  19. Omg old Post lol.... i remember seeing this post 2 years ago.... Miss lehman do
  20. My #1 Fame time lol.
  21. Happy New Years, From the Pubber and the 1st MRB, No Shooting in Bar. Magic is the guy too cool to face the bar + hes took off his hat in respect to new years!
  22. Record, 3rd Personne view, http://www.mediafire.com/?nm10gy2jo4twc3t
  23. Wow, more vid....... Nice Fragging.
  24. Happy Birthday have a good one
  25. TROLOLOL........... Guy's has nothing to do at christmas time.
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