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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. my uncle is from syracuse..so im obligate to vote for them:P
  2. i turn it down cause its in my bedroom...got to sleep eheh
  3. finaly..i bought it..
  4. this is my new favorite artist!!.....not
  5. hahaha funny vid
  6. hahahahah wtf
  7. matrix
  8. what are u doing?
  9. What are crossbowa?
  10. and u joined because of this video XD
  11. happpy birthdayyyy
  12. Sometimes u just have to watch and not to think hehe
  13. So u like celine dion?hehe
  14. its not that bad, but no my favorite ehhe
  15. oh yeahh black keys blink 182 mumford and sons beatle cold play u2 red hot chilli pepper i love all kind of music haha
  16. i think we can stop now i think we can stop now
  17. again, great vid tate!
  18. haha nice one and i capted the flag !!
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