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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. wtf, whos controlling their legs haha?
  2. wow , hardcore way to tell some1 to not drive..
  3. i knew it! crazy people
  4. hahaha thats IS realllyy nice!!!
  5. Happyyy birthdayy tateeeee
  6. Cantin for GTA V cause i love this game!!
  7. ahahah greaatt
  8. yes and theres a pool and a waterfall
  9. thats not high school lol, its university...but they have a liquor license..
  10. by the way. this is our cafeteria...lol
  11. Theres a beach party every 2 years at my school, next one is next week! chek this out!
  12. epais
  13. Cantin 1st MRB


    Canada Rock!
  14. where do you find all these weird video! and WHY are u looking for them ! lol
  15. didnt know that show! really funny!
  16. we want a video showing u singing it!!
  17. gj bigboy!!
  18. ohhh yeah great vid!
  19. by ur carabine hehe
  20. could have been on it
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