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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. hahaha and wtf the 2nd video
  2. wow ! this is amazing! in quebec if there's ice, there's snow on it too hehe!
  3. Pats all the way
  4. WOW i want 2 of this.
  5. I'll go with Emprire total war ..love realy hold war! Saint Rows looks awesome to! ps. i want a hug to!! ahha guck luck guys
  6. yup haha Willll smith
  7. u should be laughing!
  8. No questions here, Star Wars
  9. great vid!
  10. you should come in Montreal ! Great place! Good food, Wonderfull Womens!
  11. wuuttt
  12. Great night! got to do it again!
  13. finaly!! haha HB dude!
  14. as long as shes hot and smart, i dont fucking care
  15. yeah yeah uuuu wish
  16. whats swtor??
  17. weird song...hehe
  18. i cant wait to go on ur side of earth
  19. for me; im living in Canada, Quebec im working in a liquor store! im currently studying at Polytechnique( engineeer's school ) at University of Montreal..civil engineering I speek; french,english, litlle bit of spanish i love sports in general..my favorite hockey team is MONTREAL CANADIENS i love travelling... thats pretty much it!
  20. I'm just woundering what u guys//girls are doing in real life! like; where do u live! whats ur job? are u studying? do u speek many language? interests!
  21. some guys likes it.. hehehe
  22. CANAADDAAAAAAAa(mostly quebec!) all USA east coast, buffalo,boston, cuba wanna go to Europe and Asia someday..maybe ill do my internship there!
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