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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  2. its not my desktop but its my internet homepage(new on google chrome) [may content french ] edit: btw they are all links to websites.
  3. samething as you but st-louis-LA winner is going to be quick or Ellis
  4. yup 2-1
  5. Ottawa is down, Rangers up!
  6. .... LOLLL
  7. nice video! whats that first song?
  8. Happy bday!!!
  9. Happy bdaY!!
  10. haha poooor brown
  11. pits are going to win. end of topic
  12. Name: badfish Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:12191240 Reasons for the Ban: tk'ed 3 guys in spawn Recommended duration of ban: 1-2 week Demo Provided?: N but Rather and Maines were there
  13. good for retard of the month
  14. WTF..is somebody looking at PHi against PIT.. its getting worst and worst..
  15. Briere is offside on first goal...BULLSHIT
  16. happppy bday guys enjoy
  17. Pitts vs Phi Game 1! who's gonna win? i bet on pitts because they are at home and because they kick ass
  18. nice to see that they care about their fans lol... mtl was worst this year
  19. happy birthday man!
  20. holly shit its true they look the same lol
  21. so who's going to win playoffs guys!
  22. so when !
  23. looks like a cool game! how much is it?
  24. this sunday is easter...
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