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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. not bad not bad
  2. what the hell is going on there
  3. CoD (18) CoH (15) Civ (15) MoH (17) AC (20) LoL (14) WoW (13) L4D (15) DOTA (15) WH40k (15) TF (8) AC --> CoD no fuji
  4. *Salute*
  5. CoD (19) CoH (15) Civ (15) MoH (16) AC (19) LoL (14) WoW (13) L4D (15) DOTA (15) WH40k (15) TF (9) Lol -- AC
  6. CoD (19) CoH (15) Civ (15) MoH (16) AC (17) LoL (14) WoW (14) L4D (15) DOTA (15) WH40k (15) TF (10) TF -- MoH
  7. CoD (19) CoH (15) Civ (15) MoH (15) AC (15) LoL (14) WoW (14) L4D (15) DOTA (15) WH40k (15) TF (13)
  8. Cod 16 Tf 14
  9. Ooooh yeah i saw that 10 min ago! Did u watch lucic killing komisarek haha
  10. realism haxx
  11. id say kanaris musket then ...
  12. I cant wait to see if hes gonna play a good season or hes going to be injured...
  13. Wtf, how do you know all this lol
  14. Hey gris, putnsome picts of ur dog
  15. Be there and ull know it! Hehe
  16. Hahaha retard
  17. ur right..theres not much anymore
  18. Moreeee femaaaale
  19. Does he have a neckless saying where u live?
  20. Itscall written if u look closer I cant wait !!
  21. Happy st patrick every1 hope u guys are gonna win the realism
  22. Nice video major, i love the beginning !
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