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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. eternal child becoming parents! .. looks good
  2. lol i love mumford and sons!
  3. The Cave - Mumford & Sons
  4. assault,sniper,rocket..every1 lol
  5. really good graffics too
  6. thank you major
  7. hahahaha good one
  8. Do some1 know why when i put a personal photo on my profile it doesnt show when i post something..
  9. he's one of my favorite actors!
  10. **her , sorry percy
  11. I dont remember how my battle finished, i was drunk
  12. too far from me hehe
  13. what's his name
  14. what were u doing?!
  15. why would some1 work without safety gears... :o
  16. i work in a liquor store..we should have this man to show us about whisky heheh
  17. Blink 182 - Whats my age again --> old songs
  18. what...the ...fuck
  19. lol martinez
  20. holly shit haha this is niceeee
  21. we could say that ahha
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