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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. should i buy it online(no tax) or in store...cause in store i would have a copy of it...im afraid to lose it if i buy it online lol
  2. nop..starting to be at 5..
  3. just tried it with the demo..its awesome im going to buy it
  4. wait what? ahahaha niceeeeee
  5. so who do you think
  6. So sexyyy hehe... And i love the name of ur pic ; harding__sexy..jpg .. Hahaha
  7. Name: reist Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:16745000 Reasons for the Ban: was throwing nades in spawn and tked a lot Recommended duration of ban: 1-2 weeks Demo Provided?: No but Jablonski was there to.
  8. I'm from Quebec city, QC in canada , now i live in montreal. I'm studying in civil engineering at Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. I work in gouvernmental liquor store.. I'm in 1st MRB since october 2011
  9. id pay for a night with u
  10. it does! thank you
  11. oh ty! and im fine ty
  12. link to dod s map is broke on mainpage
  13. awesome movie..and there will be another :D
  14. oups sorry.. i read fast..lol
  15. Giroux suspended for is hit on Zajac
  16. Welcome in hell son... Meheheh just kidding welcome
  17. Alergic to garlic
  18. I hope he's going to do something good.. They say that Patrick Roy is probably going to be the new headcoach
  19. Happy birthday belle blonde
  20. Blues instead of kings
  21. 96 is my score
  22. yup do a barrel roll too...oorrrr incredit box ..its nice
  23. whattttt! amazing
  24. wow awesome video! it would be nice to do one about 1st mrb ! we have a lot of good video tech
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